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“No! What’s happening?”

“He’s crashing. We need you to step outside!” the nurse exclaimed. She attempted to shove Chanel from the room so the staff could do their job at trying to save Mateo’s life.

Chanel was overwhelmed with worry and grief. She tried to peek into the room to see what was happening, but there was a crowd of staff surrounding Mateo’s bed. Equipment was being rushed into the room, and Chanel had no idea what they were trying to do. It all looked frenzied to her. But she couldn’t lose him. Not now—not ever.

“Please, don’t let him die! Don’t let him die! Come back to me, Mateo. Ohmygod, come back to me. You promised that you wouldn’t leave me,” Chanel cried out.

The only thing she could do was drop to her knees and pray for him. Her eyes were coated with tears and grief. She prayed and prayed, and the medical staff was doing the best they could.

Mateo’s heart stopped and he went flat-line.


A few hours later, Chanel stood by his bedside while Mateo gazed up at her beautiful face. He was silent, but she was all smiles.

“You came back to me,” she said.

Mateo stared at Chanel dispassionately, almost like he didn’t know who she was.

“I love you, baby. I do. I thought I was going to lose you,” she said.

Mateo lay there quiet, almost like he was a vegetable. Chanel took his hand into hers and leaned forward and kissed him. But he didn’t kiss her back. Chanel figured that he was still recovering, probably still in shock about what happened. His body had gone through a very traumatic experience and he’d been in a coma for quite some time.

“I love you, baby. We have a wedding, right? And a trip to Hawaii, Mateo. Okay? I’m here every day by your side until you get better, and I’m gonna become your wife.”

Chanel then erupted into tears. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. Can you please forgive me? I never should have invited them over. I’m sorry.”

Mateo blinked a few times and stared at her with no reply. It was as if the lights were on, but no one was home.
