Page 14 of Wifey: Part 2

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As the phone rang, Jasmine did a little dance like she had to pee, but she was just nervous and couldn’t believe that 9-1-1 hadn’t picked up on the first ring.

The operator answered the call, “Nine-one-one. What is your emergency?”

Jasmine looked at her reflection in a mirror in the bathroom, and she was a bloody mess.

“Hello. Nine-one-one. What is your emergency?”

“I’ve been shot. I need an ambulance right away.” Seeing herself in the mirror brought the horrors more to life, and it made her feel like she was going to faint.

“Ma’am, did you say you’ve been shot?”


“Okay, miss, what is your location?”

Jasmine gave the operator her address.

“Who shot you? Was this an accident?”

“Someone broke into my house and shot me.”

“Okay, are they still in the house with you now?

“No, but I’m afraid they might come back. Please hurry and get someone here. I’m bleeding, and I’m feeling like I’m gonna die.”

“Okay, try to remain calm. We have units on their way to you right now. I just need to get more information from you that will help you and help the people who are coming to assist you. Is that okay?”

“Okay. I’m just so scared, my body is trembling. And my friend is downstairs. They killed her.” Jasmine broke down crying into the phone.

“What is your friend’s name? Is it a male or a female friend?”

“Narjara; she’s a girl.”

“Okay. And you said she was killed. Was she also shot?”

“Yes.” Jasmine could hear the operator typing away as she spoke. “Miss, please hurry.”

“They’re on their way right now. They’re about three minutes away, okay, sweetie? You’re gonna be safe. I’m going to stay on the phone with you until they get there.”


“Ma’am, what is your name?”


“Jasmine, do you know who shot you?”

Jasmine paused in gripping fear.


“No, I don’t, but it was three people, three men.”

“Okay. And where did you get shot?”

Jasmine was getting tired of all the questions, but the operator was a comforting voice to her, so she just dealt with it.

“I can hear sirens now,” Jasmine said, feeling tremendous relief at that point.
