Page 13 of Wifey: Part 2

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A smirk came across Nico’s face. “Y’all niggas serious, man?”

“Mr. Carter, turn around and put your hands behind your back!” the young, rookie-looking officer commanded much more forcefully, his face blood red.

“Get the fuck outta here! Put my hands behind my back for what?” Nico tried to brush past one of the officers.

Two of the cops instantly drew their Taser guns and aimed them at him, while two other cops ordered everyone to go to the back of the plane. The rookie officer tried to grab hold of Nico’s wrist to cuffs him as he told him he was placing him under arrest.

“You arrestin’ me for what?” Nico demanded to know. “What the fuck is the charge?”

The people on the plane looked on in shock, wondering if Nico was a wanted shoe-bomber or something.

The next thing Nico knew, the rookie cop punched him square in the face and spun him around and had him laying facedown across two seats in row two.

Nico had the rookie cop by at least thirty pounds and knew it wouldn’t have taken much to beat his ass, but he didn’t want to get tased, or worse, catch a hot one in his back from one of the trigger-happy cops.

The cop applied the handcuffs extremely tightly and yanked Nico up to his feet by his right elbow. In the process he almost pulled Nico’s shoulder out of its socket.

Pain shot through Nico’s body, but he clenched his teeth. “What the fuck y’all arrestin’ me for?”

The cops didn’t reply. Two of them flanked Nico and walked him off the plane.

Although it was still early morning, the terminals were busy. It seemed as if every eye in the airport was on Nico as the cops walked him through the terminal and outside to a throng of waiting Port Authority police cars.


All of the cop cars caught the attention of BJ, who was about ten feet away by the passenger curbside pickup. He watched in disbelief as Nico was stuffed into the back of a squad car in handcuffs. BJ got as close as he could to the police car, trying his best to get Nico’s attention, but Nico never looked his way. Bbefore long the squad car pulled off. BJ ran back to his car and immediately dialed the lawyer and told him what happened.

It was still early in the morning, and Nico’s lawyer sounded as if he had just woken up. But with as much money as Nico had been paying him, he didn’t hesitate to get on things. He told BJ he had to get dressed, but that he would be in touch with the Port Authority police within fifteen minutes.

“Keep your phone on, and I’ll get back to you when I know something.”

“Ok.” He got in his truck and headed to his cousin Lorenzo’s house to fill him in on what just went down.

BJ couldn’t believe Nico had just gotten arrested, but like a true soldier, he stayed focused. He had to find out where Bebo was. Dominoes were stating to fall left and right, and he was determined to not get caught slipping.


Jasmine lay on the floor motionless, her right hand numb from the gunshot wound, her jaw throbbing from being slapped with the butt of Bebo’s gun, and her neck literally on fire. Everything happened so fast, she didn’t know if she was dead or alive. She felt like she was in a scene from a horror movie. The room was eerily quiet, and the silence freaked her out. She didn’t know if she was about to see that bright light that people talk about seeing when they are on the verge of death, or if she was going to see Jesus or the devil.

Paranoia started to grip her, and with her face down on the ground and her eyes closed, she had to tell herself not to panic and to stay calm. It seemed as if the silence in the room was getting louder and louder, and at the same time her neck seemed as if it was getting hotter and hotter. She knew she had to do something because she was starting to get extremely light-headed.

She began to call Narjara’s name. “Narjara,” she said in a whisper, sounding like an asthma patient struggling to breathe and talk at the same time. She still hadn’t moved her body.

When she didn’t get any response, her adrenaline kicked in, and she called out the name a second time. She still got no answer.

She finally had the courage to open her eyes. “Narjara, you all right?” she asked. Again she got no response.

Jasmine still couldn’t feel her right hand, but she needed both of her hands to help her sit up. So she placed her palms on the floor, sort of like she was preparing to do a push-up, and tried to push herself up. As soon as she did that, the blood coming from her hand caused her to slide forward, and in the process, she lost her balance and fell forward on the floor. The sight of her own blood scared her.

She struggled to sit up, and when she did, she realized that the sight of her own blood was nothing compared to the huge hole in Narjara’s head.

“Oh, my God!” Jasmine screamed in fear as she looked at Narjara lying on the floor dead with one of her eyes wide open, one still swollen shut, and her brains splattered everywhere.

With her heart pounding and her adrenaline flowing, Jasmine saw that the door to the house was wide open. Fear instantly gripped her as she thought Bebo was going to come walking through the open door at any moment and finish her off.

“Where’s my phone? Where is my phone?” she said out loud, scrambling around. While looking for the phone, she brought her left hand up to her burning neck, and all she felt was her own hot blood. That freaked her out even more.

Jasmine finally found her phone. Something told her to go lock herself in the bathroom and call the police. She quickly headed up the stairs to the bathroom, staining the walls and the banister with the blood on her hands. As soon as she made it to the bathroom, she locked the door, and with her bloody, trembling left hand, she dialed 9-1-1.
