Page 23 of Nusquam

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Quivering hands reach forth and palm the massive gonads, the scrotal sac straining to hold such within.

“Will these ever stop growing?” 128 emboldened by her limited authority.

She glances at the hanging spatula and senses a momentary thrill. What if she were to likewise offer a testicle spanking? It requires such little effort to bring amazing agony. Would 88 report her misconduct? Would Miss Penny care?

It’s tempting. Perhaps another time. The equestrienne Penny Osborne will soon arrive for a long hot late morning jaunt.

“How is it you’ve been rendered to Nusquam. Miss Penny says you were successful... though... ah... self destructive.”

“I was set up. The beesh... she arranged everything... planned everything... plotted everything. Ruined my career... my financial state... my marriage. I was left with nothing... and threatened with lawsuits and possible jail time. This was my only alternative. Life serving her... the beesh.”

128 steps up on a stool, reaches and releases the nose chain.

“Down,” the command out of character and somewhat strained.

88 knows to kneel then lower at the waist to bow, wrists remaining tethered behind his back.

“Seems like a lot of effort... just to be able to harness and run you.”

“Revenge... nothing more than revenge. I... I... well I used to... you know... get some side action. Every guy does it. It’s Wall Street. And having hired Penny Osborne, trained her, even arranged to have her manage a small book as a bit of a reward and bit of an experiment, why shouldn’t a guy be given... well some quid pro quo. So one slow afternoon, I called her into my office and demanded a quick blow job. She didn’t seem like the type to object... and I thought I’d give her a chance to express her gratitude.”

Listening intently, 128 begins placing the huge form into harness. The human equines come to feel comfortable in tight bondage, 54 lectured, developing a sense of pride and accomplishment in being made to perform... put on display naked... and for Miss Penny Osborne... firmly erect.

“She told me she had inside information on a hot stock. And had done a lot of research to confirm. Reported earnings would be well short of expectations. There would be an air pocket in the price. An immediate drop. I believed her, shorting a high flying tech stock. Stupid move number one. Yes, Balls Martindale went against the trend. Stupid move number two, I didn’t bother checking the float. More than half the outstanding stock was held by the company founders, unlikely to sell... if they could. The beesh didn’t bother telling me that. So I couldn’t find enough shares to borrow to sell, and there came stupid move number three. I sold naked, thinking I could quickly reverse the trades before delivery. It’s against SEC regulations, but the big traders do it more often than most know.”

“That’s all?” 128 encircling the waist of 88 with a thick leather belt.

“It was a set up. The earnings report was robust. The stock went into a break out. I was not only short millions of shares but illicitly short, no way to deliver... except to immediately buy at a much higher price. Ruinous to me... ruinous to the firm’s investors... career over... especially with the SEC likely to ban me from the industry if not demand jail time.”

“Spread for me,” 128 not able to resist more handling of Miss Penny’s grapefruit.

Hands reach down, cupping left testicle and right, the sense of control bringing momentary giddiness. Then as trained, 128 reaches for a short elastic cord, clipping the right testicle ring, stretching downward and clipping the opposing end to the right thigh band. 88 grimaces with the tautness, the elasticity challenged.

“So you came here... to Nusquam?” hands working to similarly restrain the left testicle ring.

“Oh no. In the turmoil, failed attempts at negotiating an out, phone calls demanding delivery as the stock rose and rose, my loyal administrative assistant visited my office, smirking in hearing me make promises she knew I could not keep. ‘The SEC’s been calling,’ she announced with a look of vengeance. ‘And I understand there’s a general partners meeting being held. Something about the firm having to renege on certain deliveries.’ And she laughed... outrageously.”

128 notes the straining scrotum, pulls left cord and right to assure tension then moves to retrieve bit and bridle. 88 grimaces again, but accustomed to his curious restraint, continues his monologue.

“‘I sucked you off once, Balls,’ her voice sinister, her use of my sobriquet knowingly out of line. ‘And now I’m going to fuck you. I not only got the inside information wrong... I knew it was wrong. I also leaked your position to all the traders you’ve screwed over the years... some of whom you fired and/or fucked their wives. They went heavily long on the stock. Seems you not only owe lots of shares but owe to folks not overly eager to settle for less than 100 cents on the dollar,’ her laughter wicked.

“Well, I was stunned. Retribution for a simple little office dalliance, a blow job, demanded and received all the time on the Street. I sat seething as the beesh lit a cigarette, knowing I hated smoking.

“‘ Been talking to wife too. She’s lovely. You know she goes both ways, Balls. She hasn’t been sitting home alone while you’re at the strip club... not of late. Yes, I’ve been fucking your wife... and now I’m fucking you. But I may be able to help.’

“What was I to say? Career and marriage in a free fall. SEC asking questions. Future employment doubtful. Loyal administrative assistant... knowing all the holes, all the weak spots, all the questionable trades... and now plotting against me. I cracked. I asked f

or her help. She outlined her conditions. Really only one... Nusquam.”

Bridle buckled in place, 128 puts the story to an end, slipping into the toothless mouth a cruel snaffle bit, her fingers working to assure the long, nimble tongue is properly pinched, the attached toggles abrading the tender mouth and enhancing Equestrienne Penny Osborne’s total control.

Reins come next, 128 again sensing empowerment as the bald head instantly reacts to the slightest motion of her hand. Then she knows to fluff. She needs the steel encased penis standing, Miss Penny pridefully showing off her priapic steed with every run. 128 thus bends, pressing her mammoth soft breasts to the face, knowing that the tongue will seek but the bit will frustratingly deny. There comes a low lustful moan of ultimate pleasure withheld. Then 128’s right arm lifts, bringing the steed to kneel upright. The angle of the entubed penis begins to change, rising. A hand lowers, 128 knowing that a simple index finger will twirl about and have the chaste human equine standing as desired .

“Nice and hard for me, 88. You do want to please Miss Penny.”

Ah, such a pleasant shift in roles, 128 glancing to where a plug of ginger awaits.

Chapter Twenty-Seven
