Page 22 of The Entrapped

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The resulting photos Ramona found to be both amusing and compelling.

‘Your handiwork?’ she questioned Maria.

‘I term it a well filleted penis,’ Maria responded with a wicked but prideful smile. ‘Quicker and more easily done than any man can possibly imagine.’

With the file on Maria complete, Ramona gleefully offered employment... including profit sharing.


Ostensibly, Ramona Cortez is a highly successful breeder of dogs.

Fortified mansion, a bevy of servants, private jet... few realize that even in the world of high brow kennel clubs, such skill and talent cannot support her quiet yet ostentatious life style.

A lover of canines yes, but such activities really serve as cover for the millions Ramona Cortez earns in her more lucrative but dangerous profession.


She travels the world showing and selling her beloved hounds... but such rarely covers the cost of jet fuel.

No, Ramona Cortez extracts from the wealthy... and in her case gives to the wealthy... herself.

Many years of experience... many sizable payoffs... she has developed a formula for success... extort from the wicked and the otherwise compromised... those who cannot seek the aid of the authorities.

Initially corrupt politicians proved to be somewhat fertile ground. But Maria came quickly to understand that purportedly honest and staid government officials cannot facilely grasp the many dollars she requires to loosen her grip.

So who can readily raise untraceable funds?

Criminals... and such are helpless in seeking the aid of the authorities. But such can certainly be dangerous. Thus the engaging of Maria’s talents.

Yet what could possibly prompt known criminals to fork over funds in an effort to avoid blackmail?

A very famous quote gave rise to thought, from the indicted Governor Edwin Edwards of Louisiana concerning his pending trial... The only way I can lose is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy. Such was considered the only ignominy worthy of a guilty verdict.

Yes... much food for thought. What deed would be deemed so low as to not only redouble the efforts of the law enforcement authorities but bring the loss of esteem among criminal cohorts as well... caught with a dead girl... or live boy.

How to arrange? Well certainly not offering a dead girl. But, a live boy... well that is a possibility... particularly if the boy is thought to be a girl... and to shield the extortionist from potential repercussions, the boy is not really a boy but a legal adult.

Ingenious. With great forethought and research Ramona Cortez has assembled a list of potential misfits... known to be sexually predatory... known to be indiscriminating in terms of age... known not to be concerned with consent... and known to have readily available non traceable funds.

Next victim... notorious drug czar Pablo Escobar.


El Dorado International Airport, Bogota, Colombia

Maria Sanchez must cloak the thrill she feels whenever leading about a male on a leash... if April’s gender indeed remains male.

The armored limousine arrives at the general aviation section of El Dorado International Airport. The driver knows to guide the car directly into a hangar and stop next to the sleek Falcon 900.

Leashed humans do tend to draw unwanted attention, and so only those in the employ of the aircraft servicing company will witness the curious scene as the driver hastily exits and holds open the rear door for the small entourage. Baldur, the sizable Norwegian elk hound, eagerly jumps from the luxurious passenger compartment, tail wagging, alert and aware of potential interlopers. By intent the well trained canine is free to sniff, ears alert, suspicious eyes surveying all.

Ramona Cortez momentarily observes Baldur’s behavior and, noting that the tail wags, follows from the limousine knowing there is no immediate danger.

/> Maria Sanchez, leash in hand exits next. White leather with dozens of sparkling rhinestones, the few entranced mechanics and service personnel watch from a distance... always from a distance... as Maria jostles her hand, tightening the leash, and utters an unheard command.

Onto the concrete of the hangar steps a most youthful and effeminate form. Styled hair... short for a girl, long for a boy... diamond earrings, the form wears a cape, clasped about the neck, covering the shoulders, arms and torso... the hem ending just below the pubes. Certain motions cause the sheer bright white satin garment to flutter and offer glimpses of well rounded and girlish buttocks beneath.

Makeup, plucked eyebrows, eye shadow, the service personnel always assume the form is that of a girl. Little do they know that the gender of the hermaphroditic form is mostly indeterminate.

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