Page 23 of The Entrapped

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But giving rise to more curiosity is the leash. The powerful and potentially dangerous dog romps freely. The girl needs to be tethered. Yes, curious.

Yet money can assuage much inquisitiveness, and as Maria steps to the plane, the prancing girl following on naked toes, Ramona hands an envelope to her driver.

“Make sure it gets spread around fairly and that memories fade quickly,” Ramona parting with a few dozen hundred dollar bills.

Maria ascends the half dozen steps and enters the spacious cabin. The leashed ‘girl’ closely follows. Then Ramona and lastly Baldur, his eyes, ears and nose offering one last survey of the surroundings before bounding up the steps.

The service workers resume their tasks. No one speaks. Perhaps after work at the local taberna they will once again speculate amongst themselves, indulging in a half dozen brews to enjoy the wealthy woman’s relative largesse.

A crisp one hundred dollar bill just to pretend that what was seen, however innocuous... however bizarre... however criminal... was not really seen.


April is unleashed, the clasp about the neck opened, the cape whisked away to reveal in its entirety the naked form of Ramona Cortez’s loyal servant.

“Champagne, April. Hurry. We’ll be taxiing soon,” the right hand offering a playful smack to buttocks smooth and hairless.

More prancing... to the galley. April appears prepubescent, an ingénue. But in fact is nearing thirty years of age, is highly skilled in cooking and serving... the one time male so easily trained once the testosterone levels are ‘adjusted’ as a whimsical Ramona is known to describe the onslaught of behavior altering hormones.

“Flight time to Teterboro 6 hours 10 minutes, Ms. Cortez,” the smooth confident voice of the female pilot announces over the loudspeaker.

The engines spool. The craft navigates the huge hangar doors into the bright Colombian sunlight. Despite the airport congestion, the Falcon will be offered almost immediate clearance, more crisp hundred dollar bills expended amongst the tower personnel to save time and fuel.

April exits the galley with a tray. A bottle of dry Champagne in an ice bucket. Two glasses. As he/she approaches, Ramona smiles in noting the small upturned penis and sizable golden ring. The sight always brings joy. Though a daughter of Sapphos, the subjugated male, neutered, naked and well trained, offers thrill.

And there are other reasons to mentally sigh in contentment. Though Maria’s deep, strong and rhythmic penetration with Mr. Feeldoe brings a peeking degree of sexual satiation, the mild multiple orgasms of long, slow and steady cunnilingus are also appreciated.

The neutered male is most aptly trained for that as well.

April presents, knees bending to dip as trained to offer a glass of expensive bubbly. Ramona accepts with her left hand, her right lowering to smooth over the region of the missing scrotal sac which after castration was completely removed. April is a ‘smoothy’, the otherwise sensitive flesh of the empty pouch excised to diminish any possible remaining pleasure. Also removed... the nipples and the prostate gland.

Remaining is the tiny upturned penis, the tip sutured to the lower abdomen, a shiny golden ring loosely encircling the shaft. It is both decorative and functional. Decorative in drawing the eyes to the vestigial remnants of maleness. Functional in offering a governing woman a place to tether her naked servant.

“Thank you, April, You look quite pretty today.”

The boy/girl blushes and dips again to curtsy.

Maria takes her offering. The tray is stowed between the two women. Fingers are snapped. An obedient April knows to take a seat facing the two women, placing his/her hands atop the head. Maria leans and snaps on his/her seat belt. Then an inconspicuous steel cable is hooked to the penis ring and locked, making April one with the seat.

When not serving, Ramona mandates that servants be restrained.

‘It’s a psychological thing,’ she explained to Maria when first engaged as body guard and major domo. ‘To be able to move under one’s own free will empowers. I shall not allow any empowerment... ever. It inures pride. Something my toys shall never have... other than when serving me.’

The engines rev, the jet leaves the taxiway to move into takeoff position. The long but potentially lucrative flight to Teterboro Airport, most proximate to Manhattan, begins.


Ramona sits, thighs parted, her right hand squeezing Maria’s left. She moans, increasing the pressure, Maria smiling in vicariously sensing the joy of another orgasm.

“Such a good little girl,” Ramona compliments, her free hand lowering to raise the front of her skirt and pat the bobbing head of April.

There has yet to be an extended flight during which the concupiscent Ramona does not demand and receive prolonged cunnilingus. The tongue dances and swirls, many years of exacting training and practice. As a house servant April is adequate. As an oral servant he/she is unsurpassed.

The ‘fasten seat belt’ sign alights. The reassuring voice of the pilot proclaims final approach to Teterboro Airport. As planned, the cover of darkness will obviate sightings of the barefooted, cape bearing and leashed April as he/she is led to a nearby hired car.

The arrival scene repeats in reverse. An alert Baldur bounds out the exit door and down the few steps, satisfying himself that only the hired driver is within proximity. Ramona follows. Then Maria and a hurriedly covered April, leashed at the neck.

“Welcome, Ms. Ramona,” the trucking driver greets in subdued eagerness.
