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‘It is if you want your bracelet before the end of three months.’

‘But it’s too intimate, too...’ Again she floundered for words.

‘It is publicity, Bianca, the sort that will achieve my aims quickly.’

‘I see that, once again, you have made sure I have no option but to play this your way.’ The sharpness of her tone made his brows rise. ‘Again you are all but blackmailing me.’

‘No, an exclusive like this was always part of the deal. Meeting with your grandfather, however, was not.’ He moved towards her and his tone softened. ‘But I am not as mercenary as you like to believe, so we will visit him.’

Bianca was baffled by his sudden change of mood and blinked in shock as his closeness invaded her senses once more. How could she be so attracted to, so drawn by, the very man who had such power over her? Not for the first time she wished tonight’s party was already over.

* * *

Liev couldn’t help but take in Bianca as she looked up at him, all wide-eyed. Her dark eye make-up and deep red lipstick was back and the black silk dress clung to her like a second skin. Diamonds sparkled from her ears and around her throat, and his ring shone on her finger. She was stunning, but he was also glimpsing someone softer, someone much more vulnerable beneath.

He brushed his fingers over her face once more and wondered if he wiped away the make-up would he reveal the true Bianca so easily. He doubted it, but talking about her grandfather had certainly made the mask slip.

She’d also agreed to the perfect opportunity to show the world they were a couple. It was far more than he’d hoped for, far more than he’d ever imagined as he’d snatched her precious bracelet from under her nose, and exactly what he needed.

Time away from everyone and everything would give him the perfect opportunity to find out all he needed to know about Dario Di Sione and ICE—and use their engagement in the most public way possible.

‘So you would have no objection to our official engagement photographs being taken?’

‘No.’ She looked at him sceptically and he could see the shadow of doubt in her eyes. ‘We should be at the party now.’

He offered her his arm, enjoying the feeling of her close to him. The heightened response of his body to that closeness was more pronounced than he’d yet experienced. Bianca Di Sione was getting to him, infiltrating the barriers he’d erected as an angry twelve-year-old to keep out tender emotions. The only consolation was that she, too, was losing her fiery edge, that harshness she hid behind which was more than the make-up she wore. She was as aware of him as he was of her.

That awareness still sizzled through him as they arrived at the party. As with any high-society event, the press were waiting outside the hotel for an opportune shot. The lenses clicked and the flashguns burst into life around them as he guided Bianca into the hotel.

Ever the professional, she smiled, pausing briefly for the press, her body melding against his as a lover’s would, pushing his limits of restraint ever higher.

The earlier shock of realisation that he enjoyed being with her, enjoye

d the feel of her body close to his, surfaced once more. Contrary to all he’d previously expected, he actually looked forward to a whole weekend at his island retreat. Once the exclusive interview on their engagement was over they would be alone. Nothing could get in the way of him finding out what he needed to know, and more importantly, she wouldn’t be able to run home and hide.

‘The guest list is large and very influential,’ she said as they left the press behind for the peace of the hotel lobby. ‘I will be able to make good connections for you this evening.’

Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts and back to the party, but his response was silenced as she let her wrap slide from her shoulders. Her strapless dress drew his attention and all he could think of was pressing his lips against the paleness of her shoulders.

‘Nothing more than I would have expected from you.’ Finally he managed to string a sentence together.

‘I will take that as a compliment.’ She smiled up at him. A real smile. One that made those beautiful lips appear even more kissable. Her eyes sparkled with genuine amusement and something happened as his pulse seemed to race. In that moment all he wanted to do was make her smile, to see the woman who lurked unexpectedly close to the surface of that tough exterior she literally painted on.

‘Not only are you very talented, but you look even more beautiful this evening.’

She blushed and looked away from him. A sense of satisfaction filled him as he realised that whatever it was between them, it was enabling him to see a far softer side to her than he suspected she wanted him to see.

She turned and walked away, taking a glass of champagne as she entered the party, giving him no option but to follow.

* * *

As Liev placed his hand in the small of her back, Bianca pinned a smile on her face, ever the professional role player. The light touch made her skin sizzle and for a moment she couldn’t look at him, knowing the heat of awareness to his every move had suffused her cheeks.

Just as at previous evenings, she felt all eyes on them and could imagine what the whispered conversations would be about. It showcased everything about society she disliked and everything Liev was determined to acquaint himself with. She had to hang on to why she was doing this, that the reason for flaunting herself so blatantly with him among them was her grandfather.

‘We have already gained their attention,’ Liev whispered close to her ear, too close, and she couldn’t help the shiver of pleasure as his breath caressed her skin.

She swallowed hard, determined to keep her smile in place. ‘Going away may not be necessary after tonight.’
