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‘I suspected you were ruthless, but this is barbaric.’ She spat the words at him, reminding him of the feral cats he’d shared the streets with when he’d been little more than a boy.

‘Correct me if I’m wrong, Ms Di Sione, but you do not have a significant other in your life, nor have you had for many years.’ He watched her eyes narrow in suspicion, and a flicker of a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. Briefly he considered what it would be like to be the man in her life. She was so icy cold, so inaccessible, he was sure that when the sparks of passion flew they would be earth-shattering. But he’d fallen prey to one such woman before and had no intention of doing so again.

‘That has nothing to do with this.’

‘Ah, but it does. How can we convincingly become engaged if it is believed you are in love with another man?’

He felt a small tug at his conscience as she fought to control the panic that was clear on her pale face. The idea of being engaged to him obviously horrified her and he wondered just who would be her chosen man.

* * *

‘There must be someone else. I can’t be the

only person who can propel you into society.’ Bianca looked at him, hardly able to believe he was serious. His stance and his hardened expression left her in no doubt how serious he was. He meant every word. It was the only way of getting the bracelet, and hadn’t she admitted to herself she’d do anything to get it?

‘No. Not if you want the bracelet.’

‘You are the lowest.’ She wanted to hiss at him, to let him know just how angry she was, but astutely she realised that would give the bracelet even more importance in his eyes. He must never know exactly how much she wanted it—or why. If he knew that, he would have all the power.

‘It has been said.’ His cold, somewhat distant reply didn’t make sense, but she didn’t care about what he felt. All she cared about was fulfilling Grandfather’s last wishes. If she had to do it this way, then so be it—for now at least. She would do everything she could, as quickly as she could, to give this man what he wanted. But did she trust him to keep his word?

‘It will never, under any circumstances, be a proper engagement. It will certainly not last any longer than three months, after which time you will give me the bracelet.’ She set out her terms. Events of ten years ago and the bets that had been placed on her at the prom, by the man she’d loved from afar, surfaced like demons from the past.

She thought she was over that humiliation. It had scarred her emotionally, making her determined to keep men locked out of her heart. She’d walked away from that experience a virgin, her reputation intact and with a vow never to be so naive again, and had been unable to trust a man since. And she certainly didn’t trust Liev Dragunov one bit. Not when he had the one thing she had to have, giving her little choice but to agree to his terms.

‘In fact,’ she began again before he could say anything, ‘if you achieve your objectives before that time, our engagement will end and you will give me the bracelet.’

‘You sound sure you can do this.’ His voice held a note of suspicion as she looked up at him, resisting the urge to just walk away and forget it all. But she couldn’t. She had to do this—and she would.

‘The only problem I have will be convincing everyone I have fallen for such a...’ She floundered over her words, hating herself for it.

‘Such a what?’

She looked at him. Everything about him shouted wealth and power, but it couldn’t hide the untamed man within. It was something that would attract women, but she was not one of those women. Never had been and never would be.

‘A ruthless rebel.’ He actually laughed, as if he was proud of it.

‘Do I have your word? Three months at the most.’

‘You have my word—you will have the bracelet before three months, providing sufficient acceptance of my name and standing in society have been achieved.’

‘And if that doesn’t happen?’ She knew the answer already.

‘You will not see the bracelet again, but I am sure with your excellent PR skills you can smooth the way for me.’

She hated him more than she’d hated any man before. But unlike the last time she’d been set up ten years ago, there wasn’t a way out. At least, not an obvious one. She was dealing with a much more determined character this time. A force of nature let loose on her Achilles heel. Her grandfather.

‘Three months. Not a day more,’ she reiterated firmly.

‘Yes.’ His Russian accent, which had softened as he’d whispered his terms in her ear, was suddenly very distinctive again.

‘And when do you propose this fake engagement to start?’ That choice of word wasn’t lost on her as she wondered how her brothers and sisters would take the news of her engagement. Especially Allegra, who knew all the sordid details of the prom and why she’d sworn never to get involved with men. How could she tell her it was all for show, that in order to get the bracelet Grandfather so desperately wanted, she was bargaining with her reputation?

She thought again of how tired and worn out Allegra had looked in Geneva and knew that, whatever happened, she couldn’t confide in her. Not now. This was something she would have to face alone.

She looked directly into Liev’s cold grey eyes, determined not to let her unease show.

‘It will start right now.’
