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“To go to the university there must have been a revelation to you.”

He nodded. “When I wasn’t studying, I walked and walked, marveling at everything.”

Her eyes played over him. “I can just imagine the wonders that filled your young man’s vision of everything.”

They smiled at each other in understanding.

“Where’s the orphanage?”

“It’s in part of the old Romanesque church. We’re coming to it now.”

“Would it be hard for you to go in? I’d love to see where you grew up.”

“Not hard, but I don’t imagine things will be the same. I haven’t been inside it since I left to attend the university.”

Her gaze implored him. “It’ll be fascinating to find out.”

She was right about that. “Just coming here again, seeing the village through my outsider eyes at this point, brings back haunting memories.”

Alarm filled Fausta’s expression. “If it hurts too much, we should turn around.”

He heard what she was saying, but they’d arrived. Nico pulled up in front of the church and shut off the engine.

“I’m not in pain, Fausta. At that time in my life, I grew up bewildered. So many children with no mothers or fathers. I was full of questions. Where were all our families? Where was mine? How did I end up here of all places? Didn’t my parents want me?”

Her light blue eyes misted over. “We don’t have to go in.”

“I want to. After telling you about my past the other night, I feel a need to revisit this place now that we’re here.”

After a pause, she asked, “Would you rather go in alone?”

His dark eyes impaled her. “I wouldn’t have come to Mottalciata without you.”

* * *

The intensity of Nico’s words penetrated to her insides, causing Fausta to tremble. She got out of the car before he opened her door. Together they entered the church vestibule and followed the sign to the orphanage entrance.

Nico knew exactly where to go. An elderly nun in black seated at a desk greeted them as they walked through the door to the office.

“Buon giorno, signor. How can I help you?”

“My name is Nico Barsotti. This is my friend Signorina Rossiano.”

It pleased Fausta that he didn’t refer to her as a princess. The nun didn’t appear to recognize her and that was fine with Fausta.

“From the age of two to twelve I spent my life here. A year ago, I learned from a friend that the holy mother who looked after me passed away. I’m sorry that I found out too late since I wanted to thank her for everything. The sisters were very good to me.”

She smiled at him. “I’m sure she knows, signor.”

For Nico’s sake Fausta hoped so.

“Would it be possible to go into the common room for a moment, or should we come back?”

“You may go in now. The children are at lunch.”


Fausta followed him through some double doors into the large room he’d told her about. A big beautiful painting of the Madonna and child took up part of one wall. Next to another wall stood an upright piano. There were shelves with well-worn toys and books. Seeing this place gave her the idea to send the orphanage some donations, but they would have to come from her own personal money.

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