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Pippa’s comment were beginning to make sense.

“What terrifies her most is that the two of you will rarely have time together when you’re king. Over the years she has watched her mother waiting, waiting, waiting for those precious times to be alone with her husband. I can’t say I blame Fausta for dreading that same scenario for herself.”

“Pippa’s right, mio figlio. So be patient while Fausta starts working out how she as queen can get you to herself more often and keep you in love with her.”

“I’ll love her beyond life,” Nico ground out.

“I believe you will,” Enzo murmured. “What’s your plan at the moment?”

“To get back to the hospital. Dr. Silvio has doubled for me and I owe him. If or when I hear from Queen Liliane, that will help determine how I proceed.”

Nico’s white-haired mentor eyed him with a solemn expression. “I wish I could help. Once again, the only advice I have for you is that you weigh your decision carefully. But when you only have a month before you must act one way or the other, that sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?”

“Above all, don’t leave Fausta alone,” Pippa added. “No matter what she said, she really doesn’t want you to stay away from her. You do understand that in her heart, the sun rises and sets with you. I saw it while the two of you were here.”

“I want to believe that, Pippa.” He walked around and kissed them both. “What would I have done without you two? All the time I was looking for my parents, I had you. I’ve been blessed. The second I know anything, I’ll drive here to give you checkups and we’ll talk. Stay well. I need you.”

He left the castello for Domodossola. All the way to his apartment he pondered their remarks and advice.

Don’t give up on me, Fausta. Per l’amor di Dio, don’t give up.


FAUSTA CRIED SO hard all the way back to Domodossola, her blouse was soaked with tears and her face looked ravaged.

When she reached the palace, she swept past the guard on the way up to the apartment with her suitcase. There were eight text messages on her cell phone she’d ignored while she’d been driving h


Adrenaline gushed through her body when she saw that four of them were from Nico sent at various intervals. She sank down on the side of the bed in pain. Fausta had said goodbye to him and she’d meant it.

At first she couldn’t look at them, but finally she caved and read the first one.

I love you, Fausta. It happened when I walked into Tommaso’s hospital room and heard you reading to him.

Tears dripped down her cheeks. She read the second one.

We were meant to be together. I felt it when we visited the orphanage the first time and know you felt it too.

Fausta’s heartache deepened and she jumped off the bed before reading the third one.

I’ll never say goodbye to you, so don’t think you’re going to get rid of me. That wouldn’t be possible.

“Nico—” she cried out in anguish and pressed the phone to her chest. But the last message was still calling to her. With trembling fingers, she opened it.

Fausta. I meant it when I said you were the only woman for me. From the very first moment you spoke to my heart. That only happens once in a lifetime. I’m not giving up, so be warned.

Completely torn up inside, she needed her sister and phoned her.

Lanza had just put Rufy down for his afternoon nap and said she’d come right away.

The second she knocked and walked in, Fausta ran to her and they hugged.

“Tell me what’s wrong. You sounded frantic on the phone.”

“There’s so much to tell you, I don’t know where to start.”

“This is about Nico I’m sure.”

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