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“I’ll do it,” he said with that same surge of adrenaline, the one that had gotten him in trouble more times than we both could count. “Under one condition.”

My eyes met his in the dark, unable to keep up with the speed of his decisions.

“Of course—anything you want.”

He didn’t miss a beat. Didn’t even pause.

“I want to pick the girl this time.”

That might actually make things difficult. With my reputation, I was able to get most anyone he’d be interested in. But knowing Nick, there was some sort of catch that would make it almost impossible to get it done. Already, my mind was racing with the heads of different casting agencies and labels. Managers and other publicists across the board. Ready to call in favors.

“Alright.” I gazed up at him. “I can get you whoever you want. And I won’t stray from your request. I’ll get her onboard no matter what. You just name her and I’ll make it happen.”

He grinned. “You promise to make it happen?”

“Yes. Without a doubt. I should’ve let you choose the girl from the beginning. Just name her, and I’ll make you hers. Just make sure she’s not married or isn’t in a serious relationship.”

“She’s not.”

“Good. Then she’s putty in my hands.”

I knew no woman would turn down my proposal. I would bribe her with millions if I had too. Nick would pay it without blinking an eye. And not one of his exes would say no to cold hard cash, wining and dining her, expensive gifts, and lots of diamonds. If he was comfortable with this woman, and didn’t dread being with her, like Ella, then we would pull this off without a hitch. Everyone would be happy and my job would be safe and secure. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, things were finally getting back on track. I would secure this girl no matter what the cost. I refused to take no for an answer.

“Okay, so who do you have in mind?” I asked.

His eyes twinkled down at me, haloed by the Barcelona moon.


To be continued...
