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My bra was on the steps, my dress downstairs. I was just tugging down my skirt when a thought occurred to me. “You still have my panties.”

“Oh, do I?” He had stooped to pick up the shoe I’d kicked across the room earlier in the evening. “Yes, I suppose I did take them.”

He was acting a bit too innocent. He was up to something. “Can I have them back?”

“What if I said no, you can’t have them back?” He carried my shoe with him to the couch and sat down. “Would you like to play a game, Sophie?”

“What kind of game?” I walked toward him slowly. Once he got his hands on me, I might be powerless to leave. My body came to full, quivering attention with every step I took.

“I don’t think it’s a secret that I like to be in control during sex.” He held up my shoe and patted his thigh, and I raised my leg cautiously. He grasped my ankle and slipped the toe of my shoe on, then the heel. But he didn’t release me. I stood there, my foot braced against his hard thigh, the already short skirt riding up to my hips, exposing me completely.

“I did notice,” I quipped. And oh, had I ever. The first time we’d been together, I’d assumed his dominant nature had been about guiding me through my inexperience. Tonight, though, he’d been just as commanding, and I was a little embarrassed to admit how much I liked it. There was something incredibly freeing in not having to guess at what he wanted. Especially when it had seemed like the only thing he’d wanted was to make me come as hard as possible, as many times as possible.

I shuddered as his fingers slipped up, caressing the back of my calf. He seemed totally unaffected, even as his hand travelled higher. “Have you ever experimented with Domination and submission?”

My high hopes sank. “Yeah, I have.”

“Were you the Dominant, or the submissive?” His fingers curled over my knee, then swept under, tickling the bend.

“One of my exes wanted me to tie him up and do stuff to him.” I shook my head. “It really wasn’t my thing. It felt like he was telling me, ‘here, do all the work.’ Not really appealing.”

“Understandably, if that was how it was presented.” He continued stroking, and every brush of his fingers hitched my arousal higher. “I like to think of it as a game; for myself, and for you. How can I make you feel and experience things you never have? And the challenge for you lies in giving up control, testing your own limits.”

I swayed on my feet. “If you keep doing that, I’m never going to get out of here.”

His lips tilted in a small smile. “Have you ever been the submissive in a sexual relationship?”

“Only with you.”

“Does it bother you?” His hand stilled, and he studied my face for the answer.

Should it? I was a strong, independent young woman, right? I wasn’t supposed to enjoy having a man boss me around. But every time Neil had given me a command in his low, serious voice, I’d fallen apart.


“No, Sophie, I want you to lie to me. I find communication terribly overrated.” He bent his head and kissed my knee.

I shrugged. “It bothers me less than it should.”

“Why should it bother you?” His mouth slipped down to the curve of my calf, his hand squeezing and stroking there.

“Because I’m not supposed to like being told what to do by some man.” I took a shuddering breath.

He raised his head and looked me in the eye. “I think you and I are alike in that we don’t worry about what we’re suppose to do. Within reason.”

That was very true, I’d give him that.

“I’m not looking for a twenty-four-seven submissive,” he clarified. “I have enough to worry about in my own life; I don’t need the added responsibility of telling you what to do every moment of your day. Taking control during sex, some light bondage and sensation play, that’s the sort of thing I enjoy. And if you don’t want to try it, that won’t change my mind about our sexual relationship. I’d be perfectly happy either way. If you were willing to explore the possibility, though, I certainly wouldn’t object.”

“Well...” I pretended to consider, letting my knee fall slightly to the side, to give him a better view. “I’ll try anything once.”

“I’m very glad to hear it.” He playfully brushed my foot aside and stood, his hand sliding up my leg, under my skirt. He pulled me sharply to him as he pushed two fingers into my pussy. I clenched around him and groaned. He swallowed the sound, his lips forcing mine apart as his fingers slowly withdrew and pumped in again. “Would you like to try something now?”

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