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But they would all be looking at the fireworks, right?

His nose bumped against me, and his tongue snaked between my folds to circle my clit, and I dropped my head back with a moan. His rough jaw scraped my inner thighs, and my legs shook.

“Steady,” he murmured against me, his big hands grasping my hips to hold me in place. I rose up on my toes as his tongue swirled over me again.

How was it that he needed only put his hands on me, and I became willing and compliant? One touch and all I wanted was to please him. Probably because while I was striving to please him, he was striving to please me. We got off on each other’s pleasure, and it just happened to work out that we fulfilled each other’s needs.

His tongue burrowed into my cunt, and I clenched around him involuntarily, a high-pitched “ooh” of pleasure tearing past my lips. He held me still against his mouth, rasping with his chin, fucking me with his tongue, until it was just too much. I pushed back on him as the tension in me wound tighter and tighter, and with a cry I let go, my thighs quivering around his face.

I panted to get my breath, both palms splayed on the glass. Neil got to his feet behind me, still holding my nightgown at my waist with one hand. His fingers skimmed over my buttocks, then dipped down to the wet, puffy flesh he’d just so expertly tended. He traced his fingertips around the outside of my thigh and settled his big, warm hand between my legs. The position pulled my nightie up in front, exposing my bare vulva to the window and anyone who might happen to see in.

“Is this mine?” he asked, hooking his two center fingers inside me, until I writhed under the pressure and could only gasp a desperate, “Yes!”

“And would you like to come again?” He pumped slowly, putting exquisite pressure on my g-spot. The bottoms of my feet tickled, and I moaned. I wanted to come again, wanted it desperately, and I rocked my hips against his hand.

“I want you to fuck me,” I panted. Across the city, the first burst of a shimmering green firework filled the night sky. Then another, and another, more illuminations than I’d ever seen before, even on July Fourth back home. Flashes of pink, purple and gold all clashed beautifully in their garishness, the cold, clean air making them more brilliant as they exploded.

I reached for the hem of my nightgown and whipped the fabric over my head before I could think too much about it. But in for a penny, in for a pound, as Neil would say. Or, as I would say it, go hard or go home. If we were going to have possibly public, possibly exhibitionist sex, I wasn’t going to hide my light under a damn bushel.

He laughed, not the dark chuckle of my dominating Sir, but the surprised bark that always told me when I’d caught him off guard. “Sophie, you’re absolutely filthy.”

I wriggled on his hand, his two fingers still buried in me. “You love it.”

“That I do.” His thick length pressed against my backside, and he mumbled into my hair, “I will even brave stand-up sex for you.”

He slipped off his boxers and bent his knees to align us. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down my slit, then found his mark. Our height difference made the position a bit awkward, but when Neil was finally inside me, I didn’t care at all.

He stroked my clit and my eyelids fluttered closed, but I forced them open again so I could see the glittering explosions across the bay. I couldn’t believe my good luck. I was with a man who cherished and appreciated me as a friend and a lover. A man who had loved me from the first time we’d met, and who’d proposed to me because he wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. A man who created splendid new memories for me every day, and this day would be no exception.

I rocked with him, watching the celebrations beyond the glass through a sheen of over-joyed tears. The slap of our flesh as Neil slowly withdrew, then rammed deep again set a cadence in time with our panting breaths. Under his fingers, my clit throbbed and tingled, and I was close, so goddamned close that I pushed his hand out of the way to race that last mile on my own. He chuckled into my hair and fastened his mouth to the back of my neck, sinking his teeth in. I shouted and slapped my palm against the glass as I clutched around him.

I’d barely come down when he pulled out and wrapped my hair around his fist, gently tugging me away from the window and over to the sofa. The sofa I hadn’t even sat on yet, but he was sure going to fuck me on it. I snickered at the thought, and he pulled me down to straddle his lap as he sat.

“What’s so funny?” he growled beside my ear. The tip of him brushed against my wet, wanting opening, and I rolled my hips, inviting just a little inside.

“The fact that this is the first interaction between this couch and myself. I feel like I should have at least watched some reality television on it before going all the way.” I slid down, and a strangled moan caught in my throat. He still took me by surprise sometimes. I rose up a little and bounced on my knees, testing the cushions.

He slapped my ass hard. His fingers dug into my backside as he moved me on him. “Well, better make it memorable, shall we?”

I leaned down to kiss him, with just the head of him stretching my opening. “Believe me, baby. I am never going to forget tonight.”

He pushed my hips down, and I exhaled shakily as I took him in. He was so hard and so thick, the pressure against my pelvic bone was actually painful. I squirmed as he held me, and he grabbed my wrists and pinned them against the small of my back with one hand.

“I don’t need my hands to make you come,” I murmured against his cheek. I squeezed on him in rapid flutters, then long, delicious tugs, and he dropped his head back. “May I make you come?” I wheedled softly, gently rolling my hips. “Please, Sir?”

“Oh fuck yes, I wish you would,” he groaned, his grip tightening on my wrists. With my shoulders back, my posture was forced up straight, my breasts thrust into his face. He sucked one tight, hard nipple into his mouth, teasing with the edges of his teeth as I worked my body in an undulating wave against his. The depth and stretch inside me brought gooseflesh to my exposed skin, and his hot, wet mouth reminded me too keenly of where it had been only minutes before. My clit was swollen and hypersensitive, and with every forward sway of my hips, it raked over his pubic hair and the wide base of his shaft. I strove toward the same peak, was almost there when he released my wrists to grip my hips and surge upward. I gasped, “I’m coming,” and he growled, “Don’t you dare stop until you do,” and then he broke, shouting and digging his fingers into my ass hard as I frantically pumped against him. The hot throb of his twitching cock inside me brought me over, and I ground on him, riding every last wave of pleasure as he muffled pained groans.

Finally, he stopped me, panting comically and holding my hips in place and begging through clenched teeth, “Don’t move, don’t—”

“I shouldn’t get off of you?” I asked, rising up a little, and his sharp inhalation strangled on the way in. The point of my tongue slid from one canine tooth to the other as I regarded him maliciously and dropped suddenly back down. “Turnabout is fair play. You do this to me all the time. Torturing my poor, sensitive body right af

ter I’ve orgasmed. You deserve to know what it feels like.”

Neil grimaced and held his breath until it appeared there would be no further torture. “Careful, you might inspire me to empathy. And then I’d have to stop doing that to you all the time.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder and breathed in the smell of his sweat and his skin. I nuzzled against him and sighed contentedly. “I didn’t think you’d ever top Paris.”

“Well, in the absence of sex toys, I find a marriage proposal often does the trick.” He chuckled sleepily. I never felt so protected and sure of my place in the world as when I was in his arms.

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