Page 51 of Rogue's Lady

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Ignoring with some difficulty the insults that speech had contained, Will said, “What if the lady has already made her choice—and acted upon it?”

Once more the count studied Will, as if he were an insect under glass. “Is this so, or do you say it to incite me? No matter. If she should come to me not entirely pure, that would be an…irritation. But it would not stay my purpose. Indeed, the prospect of punishing her for her indiscretion is quite…arousing. A punishment that would be severe enough to insure she does not stray again. There must be no question that the von Strossen sons she bears me are truly mine.”

Just then, a man in a military uniform approached the count. Holding up a finger to halt the man, the Austrian bowed to Will. “A most illuminating conversation, Lord Tavener. I trust nothing more needs to be said.”

“Of that you can be sure, Count von Strossen,” Will replied, seething as he returned the count’s bow.

Will had half a mind to follow the count into the ballroom and slap a glove in his arrogant face in front of all the assembled guests. But doing so would create the incident Will still wished to avoid.

But his threat—and his menace—were clear.

If the arrogant count ever got within a finger’s reach of Allegra, it would be over Will’s bloodless corpse.

Suddenly all the small details he’d overheard about the current political situation in this region coalesced. Rather than protecting Allegra, her grandfather might be compelled to give her to this man if he wanted to preserve his birthright intact. Though looking well for his years, the duke was aging. The young grandson who would inherit the Antinori holdings would be no match for the count if, after the current duke’s death, the ruthless von Strossen decided to strip the Antinoris of their lands.

Becoming the beloved wife of an obscure baron of a family of “no importance” would be far preferable to being forced to wed the repellant count.

If she were intent upon doing her duty to her new family, he might have to convince Allegra of that. He’d already hinted to her that he loved her and on the terrace tonight, she seemed to indicate she returned his affection.

There was but one certain way to insure she wed him and no one else. Allegra would never willingly give herself to another man once Will had made her his.

Desire long denied boiled up in him at the thought.

Nodding good-night to the guests he encountered, Will made his way to his room. He found Barrows on the balcony smoking a cheroot, gazing out at the night garden.

“Many thanks for your assistance,” Will said.

Barrows bowed. “Thought a bit of obfuscation might do the trick. Devilish protective of their young maidens, these Italians.”

“Indeed. Which is why I must once again call upon your expertise. I need to plan a seduction.”

Tossing away the cheroot, Barrows grinned. “Pleased to be of service, my lord. When and where?”


MUCH LATER THAT NIGHT, Allegra returned to her chamber, the melody of the waltz she’d danced with Will still playing in her head. With his intelligent conversation and engaging wit, Will had impressed her grandfather and charmed the guests just as she’d expected he would. As she’d left to come upstairs, Alessandro had taken her aside to tell her he heartily approved of her cultured English lord.

And that kiss! ’Twas even more thrilling than the one in Hyde Park, for this time she was determined it should be but prelude and promise of the delights to come. She couldn’t wait to kiss him again, to invite his caresses, to pledge her love before God and witnesses, so they might be bound together and never part again.

Her euphoria dimmed a little. Though Will seemed as avid for her company as she was for his, when she’d subtly pressed him, though he’d given her pretty words, he’d stopped short of a full declaration.

Might he be holding back because he now thought the disparity in their stations made a match between them impossible?

If so, then why had he told her “a lifetime would not be enough”? Too little time to love and protect her, she’d thought he meant. Could she be mistaken in thinking this? Did he want only a rogue’s pleasure from her?

But when she thought of his kiss—tender, reverent and cherishing before passion ignited between them—she could not believe he’d simply been toying with her. With a certainty that went soul-deep, she knew he loved her.

So why hadn’t he made a declaration? Might he have been about to speak when her grandfather and the count interrupted them on the terrace?

’Twas not the only time the count had interrupted her this evening, she recalled with a moue of distaste. He’d used his intimidating presence and slightly menacing gaze to chase every other eligible gentleman from her side—except, of course, for Will, who remained calmly impervious to both hints and threats.

Indeed, Allegra had the strong impression Will would welcome provoking the count into a round of fisticuffs so he might do some intimidating of his own. Of course, her grandfather would never tolerate such a quarrel among his guests, but how she would love to watch Will pummel some of the arrogance from the count’s self-satisfied face!

Von Strossen was a troublesome presence she’d do well not to underestimate. Little as she liked him, he possessed the title, wealth and position to make him, in worldly terms, perhaps the most eligible of her suitors.

Suddenly she recalled Alessandro’s comment that she would be expected to marry well, just as he was, to advance the family’s interests. An alliance with the new Austrian governor could be of great benefit to the Antinoris.

When the count made her an offer, which she was nearly certain he soon meant to do, would Grandfather expect her to accept it? Require her to accept it?

An unpleasant shiver rippled through her at the idea of being forced to marry the count. Allegra had come to love her grandfather and appreciated once again being part of a family, but she was not prepared to sacrifice herself to advance their political goals.

Grandfather had been wily enough to retain his title and keep his land while many aristocrats all over Italy had been stripped of both by the French and their local Jacobin allies. She had every confidence he would outwit the Austrian pretenders as well.

But she also sensed the count was not a man accustomed to being denied what he wanted. And he wanted her—whether or not she came willingly.

Was Will aware of the urgency of her situation?

If she wished to be sure of spending her life with the man she preferred, she couldn’t wait until Will proceeded to a declaration at his own pace. She must discover without further delay whether he truly loved her and could be faithful to her.

And if he pledged that he did and he could…A thrill of excitement and desire shivered through her. There was only one sure way to bind herself to Will so inseparably that neither the count nor her grandfather would ever be able to part them. Despite the hovering presence of maids, footmen and duennas, she’d have to seduce him.

A little smile of anticipation playing about her lips, Allegra set her mind to figuring out how.

DETERMINED TO SECURE Allegra’s safety before von Strossen could move against her, Will arose the next morning ready to put in motion the plan he’d formulated while lying sleepless through the night. Figuring it would be easier to spirit her away in daylight than after dark, when he risked alerting someone by stumbling around in unfamiliar surroundings, he decided to have her steal away this afternoon, while the heat drove everyone indoors.

He set Barrows to work investigating possible locations for the assignation, only to receive the inadvertent assistance of the duke himself. While the gentlemen partook of breakfast, the duke approached Will to thank him for his dinner conversation and invite him, as a fellow landholder, to tour his estate, that Will might compare the agricultural techniques employed at San Gregillio to those used in England.

And since his English guest seemed so appreciative of garden design, the duke added, Will mustn’t miss viewing the garden house at the far end of the formal parterre. Within that small structure, a fountain surrounded by potted herbs and ferns refreshed air perfumed by the scent of jasmine, just now coming into full bloom.

Immediately after breakfast, Will sent Barrows to reconnoiter the spot. When his valet reported back that it seemed the perfect place for a secluded rendezvous, he told the man to make preparations and be ready to stand guard.

Next, Will penned Allegra a brief note begging her to meet him at three in the garden house. He sent Barrows to deliver it, trusting that the valet would be able to move about without suspicion in the afternoon while the guests were immured in their chambers. Whether Allegra would be able to steal away, he’d not discover until the rendezvous.

Confident she would come if she could, an hour after the guests retired, Will stealthily made his way to the garden house. He’d wait until dusk. If Allegra failed to arrive, he’d simply think of another plan for tomorrow.

Though the idea of finally being able to worship the body he’d yearned to caress for so long made him almost dizzy with need, Will also knew that making love to Allegra on the grounds of her grandfather’s estate was dangerous. Should their tryst be discovered, they would be catapulted into a situation with immediate and unpredictable consequences.
