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Once she found what she needed, she turned on her heels and was about to head out the door when she overheard one of the voices, Dallas’s voice, carry a disturbing message to her ears. It was one that had her stopping in her tracks to listen for more.

“Fuck Rogan Rayner. He’ll get what’s coming to him, and he won’t even see it coming,” Dallas spat out with vitriol. “By this time next month, he’ll be knocked off the god-damn high horse he’s been riding for years, and I’ll have a front row seat to watch him fall.”

Beau’s voice chimed in. “You’re actually going through with it?” he asked.

“What’s to stop me? He’s had me under his thumb for too fucking long, and the son-of-a-bitch is finally going to get what he deserves,” said Dallas.

Farren’s eyes went wide and she ducked behind a filing cabinet to remain unseen as she listened on. What was going on here? What was Dallas talking about, and what was he going to do to Rayner? More importantly, why?

She tried to subdue her shallow breaths as her heart began racing with adrenaline. They obviously hadn’t noticed her come in, and she wanted to keep it that way. She knew it would not be good if they caught her leaving now.

Part of her wanted to bust in there and confront them, call them out, and tell them she was going straight to Rayner, but at this point, what would she even tell him? She really had nothing concrete to go on yet. She had to stick around and find out more.

“I didn’t think the little assistant was cooperating yet,” said Beau’s voice.

Oh, shit. Were they talking about her now?

“Not yet,” Dallas admitted, “but she’s close. She?

?ll be putty in my hands by the end of next week, guaranteed. I could see it when I went into her office yesterday inviting her to dinner. She’s still a smart-mouthed little bitch, but I felt her melting under my touch when I massaged her shoulders.”

She could feel the anger filling her with a slow, boiling heat that began in her chest, rising up and outward to the clenching of her fists. Then realization hit her. He was trying to take Rogan down, and he was trying to use her to do it.

“You’re a sick bastard,” Beau said with hubris rather than insult. “You don’t think it’ll look suspicious using his assistant again?”

Again? What did he mean by that? She wracked her brain trying to think of anything they might be talking about concerning her, but she came up short. She never interacted with anyone here except for Rita. Rogan had made sure of it.

Then it hit her. The last assistant? She remembered there was some type of scandal with Rogan’s last one, but never found out anything about who she was or what had actually happened. Could it have had something to do with Dallas? Was this why Rogan had forbid her from getting involved with anyone here?

She wondered if he had any clue what had been going on right under his nose, and the answer was, of course he was, at least on some level. Looks aside, the man was brilliant. Suddenly, all of his possessiveness clicked into place and made sense.

“Not a chance. This little girl is so young and clueless. She’ll be an easy set up. And judging by how long it took him to hire another assistant, he’s got to be on his guard that he might be burned by another one. The minute she’s implicated, and she will be – I’ve made sure of it – he’ll see red. If there’s one thing I know about Rogan, it’s that his temper controls him. Then we’ll have him exactly where we want him. Expose the fucker to the media, let her take the fall, and the takeover will be mine for the taking.”

Oh. Shit. He was setting Rogan up for a public scandal and hostile takeover. She had to go to Rogan, immediately. He had to know now. It couldn’t wait until he got back in tomorrow. Meeting or no meeting, she had to find him, fast.

She left the confines of the cubby behind the filing cabinet in a rush, forgetting the items she had come in for without a second thought about them. She got all the way to the door and had her hand on the knob when the men came out of the room they’d occupied and saw her.

She paused long enough to look back at them, and it was her fatal mistake. She saw them both lock eyes on her.

Oh, God, she had to get out of there. She turned the knob, but Dallas was on her fast, pushing the door closed the moment she had gotten it a few inches opened.

“What have we here?” he said, caging her between his arms as he backed her against the door.

Farren’s fists clenched again at her sides, and the feeling of being backed into a corner had her ready to fight.

“Get off me, Dallas,” she warned. Her voice was low, calm, and threatening.

A condescending laugh escaped him, and he moved in closer. She could feel his hot breath on her face and she had to hold back the wave of disgust.

“Looks like you’ve just heard something you shouldn’t have,” he said, like a parent scolding a disobedient child. He tsked her, shaking his head. “What are we going to do about that?”

“You can start by backing off and letting me out.”

The adrenaline was still pulsing through her veins, causing her whole body to tremble, ready to kick her survival instincts into action.

“See, I can’t do that, Farren.” He grabbed her jaw, squeezing it painfully as Beau came up behind him.

Would he help her or Dallas, she wondered, but the coward stood back and watched the scene play out from a safe distance without interfering. At least he didn’t add to it, she thought, because she would be lucky to make it out of here unscathed with only Dallas to deal with at this point.
