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“Fuck you, Dallas. You’re a sorry piece of shit, and you’ll never get away with this.” She spat the words out at him, pushing her face closer to his as she said it.

Dallas hadn’t counted on her challenging him, and he backed away slightly in response. He hadn’t counted on her doing anything but cowering before him, and he certainly hadn’t counted on the fact that he wasn’t the first man to ever knock her around. That was one thing she could finally thank her father for, for making her a tough, fearless, little girl as a child, now all grown up.

Okay, maybe fearless wasn’t the right word, because things could scare the hell out of her, and the present circumstance definitely fell into that category. But that wouldn’t stop her from doing what she had to do.

“Oh, sweetheart, I already have.” He smiled an evil, self-satisfied smile as he pressed his knee against the center of her between her legs. “But I never realized just how feisty you could be, and how much it fucking turns me on.”

He brought his face to the side of hers that his hand wasn’t blocking, still gripping her jaw in a tight clench.

That was it, all she could take. She reached a hand down to grab his balls and crushed them in her fist. He buckled instantly, so she brought her knee up to kick him out of her way and wasted no time slipping out the door, running the hell out of the storage room in a scramble to escape.

She didn’t get far before he was on her again, grabbing her around the waist from behind. He yanked her back with a violent pull, trying to drag her back inside the storage room.

She cried out, partly in surprise, horror, but most of all, pain. He overpowered her, dragging her back in while she kicked and screamed. She wasn’t going to make this easy on him, but she knew she was losing this battle the moment the stabbing pain shot through her stomach. His hand covered her mouth to stifle her screams and subdue her, slamming the door closed again.

“Dallas, let me go,” she now pleaded, holding her stomach. She couldn’t fight him off and fight the crippling pain that was now radiating through her. She doubled over and fell to the ground. Double shit.

She heard the doorknob jiggle, and wondered if it was the sound of him locking her in so no one could find her. She was in a world of hurt, in more ways than one, and things were getting worse by the second.

Then she heard a frantic knocking, and the door cracked open as much as it could from someone pushing from the other side while Dallas tried to push it closed.

“Farren? What’s wrong? What’s going on?” came Rita’s frenzied voice, and Farren had never been more happy to hear that sweet, southern accent in her life. It was a ray of hope as darkness began to shroud her vision.

“Rita, I need an ambulance!” Farren cried. “I can’t lose this baby.”

And the world went dark.


Farren came to as she was being wheeled on a gurney by paramedics into the emergency room. They were directed into a short-term hospital room in the ER as nurses and other hospital staff whirred around her.

“What’s happening?” she cried, and a nurse next to her gave her a soothing pat. “You’re at Harris County Medical. It appears you passed out after having stomach pains, and you were brought here by ambulance. Just lay back and relax, hon, and we’re going to check you out, okay?” said the nurse.

Farren looked up at her and nodded. “Can someone please call my Gramma?”

She gave the number to the nurse who took it and went to go make the call. Before she left the room, she said, “There’s a girl named Rita waiting out in the waiting room for you. She came in with you on the ambulance. Is she okay to come in when you’re ready?”

Farren nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

She was going to owe Rita a big one for this, she thought, as the nurse disappeared. The other staff continued poking and prodding her, checking vitals, and giving her a thorough once-over.

Before long, Gramma was there at Farren’s side, caressing her soft hand down Farren’s cheek. It flashed Farren back to Dallas clasping her jaw earlier, sure she was going to have a bruise or two, and that’s when she remembered, she had to get a hold of Rayner. She had to tell him about Dallas before it was too late.

“Gramma, I need Rita. Will you go get her? She was here in the lobby.”

Gramma nodded and left in search of her red-headed friend. They both returned a few minutes later, and Rita’s face was contorted with worry.

“Sweet Lord Jesus, Farren, tell me you’re okay!” Rita cried, coming to Farren’s side and taking her by the hand.

“I’m okay for now. I’m still waiting to hear the results from all the tests and exams they did,” Farren explained as dread and worry consumed her. No one was telling her anything yet, and she was trying her best to stay positive until she knew something for sure.

Rita nodded in acknowledgment, but continued to hold her hand as they sat together in silence.

“Rita, I need to find Rayner. I have to tell him…” Farren began.

“Say no more. I’ve already called him and left a message on his phone. I told him to call me back the minute he got it.”

It wasn’t the quick solution Farren was hoping for, but she guessed it would have to do.
