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As she poured the grenadine, Sebastian discreetly turned to see what had caught her eye, and he saw three men coming in the entrance. They looked like trouble if he’d ever seen it, so he took his drink, tipped his head to Mindy the red-headed bartender, and vacated the stool at the bar to find a table in a dark corner he could sit and watch from.

Just as he suspected, it didn’t take long for the three men to start trouble. A second bouncer from the one at the door approached them and it looked like they were asked to leave, which wasn’t going over too well, by the looks of it.

“Fuck you, Leo. Where is she?” said one of the men, raising his voice loud enough for Sebastian to hear from all the way across the room. It got the attention of the crowd, and the chatter slowed nearly to a stop as all eyes went to them.

“Dallas, you don’t want to do this here, man. Take it outside,” Leo warned, flexing and tensing the muscles in his arms and chest.

“I’ll leave when I damn well please. Now, get the hell out of my face and tell me where Elaina is, or I’ll find her myself,” Dallas replied, bowing up to Leo.

That got Sebastian’s hackles up, but for the moment, he stayed back in the shadows, unseen. He recognized that name, Dallas Evans, and that wasn’t a good sign. Then again, maybe it was.

The muscles ticked in Leo’s jaw, but he stood his ground, waiting for Dallas to make a move. The second bouncer strolled cautiously up behind him.

One of the two men that had come in with Dallas cupped a hand to Dallas’s shoulder in an effort to get him to back down, but it only managed to rile him up even more. Dallas hit his buddy’s hand off him, sending the guy falling into a table and knocking over several drinks that went crashing to the floor.

“Don’t fuck with me, McDowell,” he shouted, and McDowell looked thoroughly pissed off by that point.

“Fuck you, Evans,” he roared, bull-rushing him, and a flurry of action began happening at once.

Leo and the other bouncer charged in to break up the fight, but Dallas Evans couldn’t decide who he wanted to pound more, McDowell or his more worthy opponents, Leo and his backup with the goatee. Chairs were knocked over, glasses and beer bottles shattered to the ground, and the din of the crowd went wild as people circled around to get a good view of the whole debacle.

That’s when the tiny, spit-fire blonde appeared from a back hallway, approaching as calm as the eye of a storm.

“Enough,” she called out, and the room went still.
