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“I see.” She followed his gaze out to the starry sky. It really was beautiful tonight. The air was crisp and quiet. Romantic.

“But I would also tell him you’re off limits.”

“Because I’m an employee?”

“No.” Again, he didn’t elaborate, but when his gaze met hers, she knew there was no need. The hunger in his eyes, the way his jaw tightened said it all. He wanted her.

“I see," She swallowed hard, trying to work past the dryness in her throat.

“I’ve been rethinking our situation,” he said, but before he could continue she held up one hand.

“Do me a favor, Garret. Just for tonight, I want you to stop thinking. Instead, I want you to act.”

* * *

He crossed the room in one bound, taking her face between his hands so quickly that he heard and felt the little gasp she let out when their skin met.

Gently, he pulled her to the floor, but once there he rolled on top of her, pressing hard against her so she could feel the thick length of him, hard and waiting for her. It was strange, the way things had turned out between them. When they'd begun, it had been a bargain of mutual benefits. Now?

Now he didn't care what happened to him or the company or any of it so long as he could feel Rachael's soft creamy skin and stare into those warm, dark eyes.

"Jesus, you're gorgeous," he said, and he took her bottom lip between his, nibbling gently before sliding his tongue out to greet hers.

The same electricity of their first kiss sparked between them, and in an instant he felt her pulling him closer, rolling her hips against his hard length. Begging him for more.

And he wanted to give it to her.

Hell, if he could, it would give her everything he had and more, but he'd be damned if he was going to skip a single second of getting to know Rachael's body.

Slowly, he slid his hand from the floor to her waste, cupping the little space where her waistline jutted out.

Then he moved higher, tracing the little indents of her ribs until his fingers were on the underside of her breasts. With every movement, the fabric of her dress became that much more irritating. He wanted to rip it off in one pull, to leave her beautiful body exposed to him.

Exposed and willing.


He dropped a kiss on her throat, feeling the vibration of her moan as his hand slipped low again, dragging the hem of her skirt up to her waist so that he could feel the flimsy scant fabric of her panties.

"It's too dark in here," he whispered the words against her throat and she moaned again.

"I want to be able to see you. I want to look at every inch of your body. I want to..." He pulled away, and this time her moan sounded more like a disappointed whimper.

"What are you doing?" she rasped.

"You told me to act. That's what I'm doing." He got to his feet and then pulled her up with him. Once she was settled, he hoisted her over his shoulder and carried her up the stairs.

When he reached her bedroom door, he kicked it open, not caring what he broke in the process. That would be a problem for another day.

He made his way to the bed and laid Rachael on the spread, then crossed the room again to flick on the lights.

They were softer than he would have liked, but when he turned to look at Rachael—her soft curls glowing—he knew it had been the right choice.

"Undress for me."

She blushed, and though he thought she might have, she didn't protest. Instead, she stood and wriggled from her skirt, and he watched her all the while, taking in the way her hips sway from side to side. God, the things he could do to those hips.

He would nibble on them gently, then kiss his way down between her thighs, teasing her clit ever-so-gently with his tongue before moving to her inner thighs and teasing her again. He would make her beg for him, and when he was sure she couldn't stand it another minute, he'd—
