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I hope my uterus is intact after this shit, Lawrynn thought. The feeling of him slowly speeding up his strokes caused her to throw her head back as he pumped run in and out of her. Murder was enjoying the sight of her breasts jiggling around. The fuck faces that she made almost made him say fuck this slow stroke and fuck her like he was mad. He knew he couldn’t do that because that might scare her into not giving him any more pussy. Not getting her again now that he was finally inside her was some shit he couldn’t fathom. He knew this shit was going to happen. He had gone all this time without fucking Lawrynn, but now that he had, nothing else mattered.

“Good pussy having ass. Don’t deny me my shit. Do you hear me?” he said as he stroked her.

Lawrynn heard him loud and clear, but she said nothing. Seeing her now laid out on the island, eyes closed and biting her lip was better than any porn that he had seen. He placed his hand over her pussy and started to massage her clit with his thumb. She started to moan, which wasn’t what he wanted her to do. He wanted her yelling out his name. Fuck all that moaning shit. Murder pulled out of her and headed for the fridge.

“Stay just like you are,” he said when he heard her whine a little bit.

After taking out an ice cube, Murder went back to his woman. He slid back inside her and placed the ice cube on her clit.

“Shit,” she called out.

Murder licked his lips and smirked at her. She had no idea of the effect she had on him. Moving the ice cube around in a circle, he added more force to his strokes.

“You gotta cum before the ice melts, baby girl. What you gonna do? I know you not gonna let the ice win, Lawrynn. Cum for me, baby,” he coached her as he pounded her over and over. “Stop fucking holding it. I can feel ya pussy cutting up on my dick. Stop fucking playing with me,” he said.

Murder watched Lawrynn’s mouth open like she was yelling, but no sound came out. Knowing that she was about to let loose, he tossed the rest of the ice in his mouth and started trying to fuck her, so she would let loose on him. He gripped her waist and tried to keep his rhythm as long as he could. Feeling her cum coat his dick only triggered him to cum after she did.

“Fuuuuuuck!” he yelled as he shot

off inside Lawrynn, not caring one damn bit if she turned up pregnant.

The way he saw it, since she was off for the next three days, there was gonna be a lot of fucking going on. Now that he had her, he most definitely had to have her.

“Get up, so we can get cleaned up. We got some shit to discuss,” he told her as he took Lawrynn’s hand and helped her to her feet.

“Damn,” was the only word she could say at that moment.

Her body was still tingling from what they had just done. There was no doubt in her mind that Murder was different from anyone else she had dealt with. They went to the master bathroom to get cleaned up, and Lawrynn was shocked when Murder took the initiative to clean her up himself. He noticed the way she looked at him while he cleaned her with the warm, soapy rag.

“When you treasure someone, you treat them like the treasure they are. No stress, anger, or turmoil should come to them from you. A lot of niggas out here say they love and appreciate their woman, but they do shit that says otherwise. I’m more of an action type of nigga. People lie, but actions don’t, even the ones that they try to hide. You’ll never have a doubt in your mind how I feel about you because I’ll show you exactly what’s up,” he told her and followed it up with a kiss. She smiled at him, making him chuckle.

“Oh yeah, don’t think because I didn’t eat the box just now that I don’t eat the box. I just had to get inside you right then. If you’re mine, and I love and trust you, my mouth will be all over your body,” he told Lawrynn, not even realizing that he had basically told her that he loved her. He noticed that she was looking at him kind of funny. “What you looking like that for?” he asked.

“You just said you love me. I think that’s what you were saying. Do you love me, Murder, like really love me?” she asked.

Murder finished washing himself up before he turned to look at her. He could see that she was anxious for him to answer. He also knew that this was the moment he put everything on the line with Lawrynn. He didn’t want it to happen this fast, but here they were. Sometimes life happened at its own pace and not how fast or slow you wanted it to.

“I know this shit is gonna sound corny as fuck, but yeah, I love you. That night on the dance floor, I felt something different toward you. Seeing you get dogged by Pain and still be loyal to his ass only made my feelings deeper for you. That day I saw you in the mall, I was ready to fight that nigga for making you cry. Instead, I called his ass, and we went back and forth about y’all breaking up. I know you don’t think I go around fucking chicks raw and shit. I did it with you because you’ve been mine since that night we danced. You don’t gotta say the shit back; I know females are difficult as fuck, so it’s all good. Just know that I love your ass, and you should move around accordingly,” he told her.

Lawrynn shook her head because even when he was being sweet to her, there was always a threat getting thrown in.

Chapter 10

After getting cleaned up and eating, the two of them lay on the bed watching TV. Murder had always thought that chilling with females was some pussy ass shit to do. He never thought this would be where he was. Looking down at the top of her head on his chest made him smile.

“What did you want to talk about?” he heard her ask.

Murder hesitated for a moment because he wasn’t trying to kill the mood.

“Pain,” he said simply.

“What about him?” she asked, still not moving from where she was.

“We kinda got in a fight earlier about you.”

“Why would y’all fight about me when he’s with my cousin? She’s carrying his baby, so what’s his problem? He made his choice. It’s a little late for him to be thinking about me,” she said.

“I think he still loves you,” Murder said. Just saying it out loud pissed him off.
