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Chapter 25

Allen and Nell were finally on a date. Allen had picked her up from the hospital where she had been constantly for the past three days. It was Lawrynn’s idea for her to go on the date with Allen in the first place. After she forced Nell out of the hospital, here they were. They ended up at a hole in the wall club that was small but out of the way enough that a lot of people weren’t there yet. It was a great atmosphere for them to just sit and talk.

“Are you still working too hard for the money you’re getting paid?” he asked.

“I work hard because I love what I do. The pay has nothing to do with it,” she told him.

“Yeah, okay. You working at that youth center because you know those little boys want to sit there and crush on your beautiful ass,” he said and laughed.

“I’m there with them because I know they have the potential to be something great one day. Living in the hood is not a guarantee to be nothing but drug dealers and baby mamas,” she told him.

“Sounds like bullshit to me. You know those little boys are in there trying to rub up against you and shit,” Allen said and laughed. “I’m just fucking with you. Being a youth counselor isn’t easy. I commend you for doing it and going hard at it like you do,” he told her.

Allen wasn’t lying. He thought what she did took a big person to do. He could never talk to people’s kids and try to guide them to do a damn thing. He was sure that she had a positive effect on all the kids there and not just the boys.

“Why haven’t you tried to get with anybody else since we broke up?” Nell wondered.

“We didn’t break up. You kicked my ass to the curb quick as fuck. I didn’t get with anybody else because they weren’t you, plain and simple,” he told her.

“Stop saying it like that. I did what I thought was right,” she whined.

“Come dance with me?” he asked.

Allen took Nell’s hand and led her to the floor. He pulled her close as they swayed back and forth and held on to her with just the right amount of pressure. He didn’t want to hold her too tight because then his dick would get hard. Although he felt like she was the one, he knew they weren’t fucking tonight.

“I think the song is about to stop,” she whispered.

“So? We’re gonna keep dancing until I say we’re done,” he told her.

“Well, alrighty then,” she said.

They slow danced for two more songs. Allen didn’t care if they were fast or slow. They stayed just like they were, swaying slowly back and forth.

“I have to go to the bathroom and call Lawrynn to check on her,” Nell said.

“Okay. While you go do that, I’ll get us some more drinks,” Allen told her.

Nell went in the bathroom with her phone in her hand and dialed Lawrynn’s number. She bumped into some female as she walked in.

“Oh, excuse me,” she said without bothering to look up.


ah, bitch, there ain’t no excuse me and you’re out there with my man,” she heard the girl say.

Nell looked up to see who the girl was talking to so fast that she didn’t hear Lawrynn answer the phone.

“Who the hell are you talking to?” she asked as she looked up, only to be hit in the face with the lid of the toilet tank.

Nell was dazed for a few minutes then she gathered herself. She charged the girl and hit her in the face.

Allen saw that there was a commotion back where the bathrooms were, so he rushed to see what was going on. There was a crowd of people for him to get through. He didn’t think there were this many people in the club, but there damn sure were a lot in the hallway.

“Move the fuck out of the way, nosey motherfuckers,” he yelled.

He got to the bathroom to see Nell fighting some chick. He couldn’t see who the chick was. Seeing all the blood and the broken toilet lid on the floor, he hoped that Nell wasn’t hurt too bad. Once he separated the two women, he saw that the girl Nell was fighting was indeed this chick he used to fuck with for a while.

“Deshanna, what the hell are you doing here?” Allen asked.
