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“Oh, you know this bitch, Allen? She told me to stay away from her man. I guess she was talking about you. All that talk about you not fucking my cousin, I know why now. You had this bitch in the cut somewhere,” Nell went off.

“You need to calm down before you pass out. You’re covered in blood. That can’t be good, shorty,” Allen said, trying to reach out to help Nell.

“Fuck you and this bitch,” Nell tried to say before she hit the floor.

Lawrynn listened to the commotion on the phone with her mouth open and tears in her eyes. She yelled out in a deep, emotional cry. Murder immediately rose to his feet and looked around, to try to find out what the hell was going on. He saw Lawrynn crying and trying to dial a number on her phone.

“What the hell is going on? What the fuck wrong with you?” he barked.

“Baby, you have to find out where Allen and Nell went. I was just on the phone with her, and something bad happened. It sounded like someone was fighting with her. Baby, you have to find out what’s going on. I have a bad feeling,” Lawrynn yelled.

Murder jumped up to see Lawrynn crying and moving around in her bed. He had only heard half of what she was saying, but he heard the names Allen and Nell. The first thing he did was call Allen to see what the hell was going on. It took him calling three times back to back to get Allen to answer the phone.

“Who this?” Allen answered.

“Aye, what the fuck is going on that’s got Law Baby all upset and shit?” Murder asked.

“Law Baby, where the hell was she?” Allen asked as followed the ambulance to hospital.

“Nigga, what the fuck is going on? What happened on the damn date?” Murder asked, standing to his feet.

He knew that Nell was more like a sister than a cousin to Lawrynn, and it was important to him that she calmed down and not get worked up.

“We’re almost at the hospital. Some shit went down with my ex. She’s not really my ex, but all that don’t matter because I’m killing her ass as soon as I get Nell straight. This shit is all fucked up. I can’t believe this shit,” Allen fussed.

“Details, nigga. You got my lady looking all in my mouth and shit. You gotta tell me something. What the fuck is up?” Murder asked.

“Long story short, Deshanna and Nell got to fighting in the bathroom at the spot we were at. She hit Nell in the face with something because when I went in there, Nell’s face was all bloody and shit. That didn’t stop Nell from jumping on her ass, though, because my baby was on her ass. I broke it up then Nell passed out. I’m following the ambulance now. We’re right up the street from the hospital. I’ll hit you up when we get there. I’ve gotta call her mama and shit,” Allen said and ended the call before Murder could say anything.

Murder looked at Lawrynn, knowing that this wasn’t going to help her with all the shit she had going on now.

“Maurice, what is it?” she asked.

“Nell got in a fight on the date. She’s on her way here in an ambulance. I don’t know exactly what’s going on with her, though. Allen said he’s gonna hit me up when they get downstairs. He had to call your auntie to let her know what’s going on,” he told Lawrynn as he sat on the bed next to her.

“Was it Nikki?” she asked.

Murder looked at her for a few minutes before answering. He didn’t like the way she asked the question. It was like she was low key fearful of what Nikki was capable of doing now.

“No, it wasn’t. It was some girl that Allen used to fuck with from what he said. Once he calls, I’m gonna run down and find out what’s going on,” he told her.

“Take me with you. I know you don’t think I’m gonna sit in here while you’re down there. If I sit up here waiting, it’s gonna drive me crazy. I’m going with you or I’ll just go after you leave. Either way, I’m not staying here,” she sassed to him.

Murder could only shake his head at her. Knowing that she was dead ass serious about just coming down when he was gone, he conceded.

“What are you gonna wear because you not leaving this room with your ass out,” he told her.

She shook her head at him.

“I don’t have any clothes here with me.” She sighed.

“I guess you’re keeping your ass here,” Murder told her and slid his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

He stood there for a few minutes just looking at her. Here she was temporarily blind and worried about her cousin. It was this type of stuff that made him fall for her more and more.

“I know what I can do. I can put another gown on facing the other way. No opening in the back, problem solved. I’ll be in the wheelchair anyway,” she said, trying to compromise with Murder.

He saw that she wasn’t going budge, so he let her do her thing. He was going to be down there with her, so there wasn’t too much that could go on.
