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“Murder, I know you feel just like I do when it comes to Lawrynn. If it comes down to it being someone in the family, if you don’t want to take that shot then just pass me the damn gun. Fuck all of them, if you wanna know how I really feel. They knee deep in this shit,” Lawrence put in his two cents.

Murder just nodded, letting Lawrence know that he just might take him up on his offer.

“Are you sure you didn’t leave anything out when you told me about y’all little situation?” Connie asked. She didn’t like how Lawrynn came at her and Pain a few minutes ago.

When she found out the situation, she was alright with it, but seeing how shook Pain was about Lawrynn accusing him of the very thing he didn’t do pissed her off.

“No, man. Why you keep asking me that?” Pain asked.

Connie had been asking the same que

stion since they got back to his house, and Pain was getting tired of saying the same thing over and over again. He didn’t know what she wanted him to say, but if she kept on, he was gonna say a bunch of shit that she wouldn’t like.

“I’m just trying to figure out why she automatically came at you for shooting your friend,” Connie said. If the situation would’ve been different, she would’ve hit Lawrynn in the damn mouth.

“I’m not gonna keep repeating my damn self. You can drop the damn questions or carry your ass home. You’re giving me a fucking headache,” Pain said.

“Motherfucker, I just defended you to your ex, and you’re screaming on me. You and her got me fucked up. I don’t need this shit in my life. You may not be used to dealing with a real woman, but I damn sure ain’t used to dealing with a fraud ass nigga,” Connie said.

“Why the hell are you so damn mad? You know I didn’t do the shit. I’ve been with your aggy ass all damn night. As far as you defending me, I didn’t need your damn help. We haven’t even fucked or kissed, but you’re jumping in arguments not meant for you and shit. What type of shit are you on?” Pain asked.

He was starting to have doubts of him and Connie becoming anything more than just casual friends. Shaking his head, he thought about how Karma had it out for his ass something fierce. Seeing Connie switch up on him couldn’t be anything other than karma’s bitch ass making his life a living hell.

“You need to ask yourself that question. Why are you even still cool with them like that? He was supposed to be your best friend, but now he’s all in love with your ex. If you ask me, they were already fucking and just waiting on your ass to slip up, and you did. Niggas kill me always barking at the wrong one. You don’t have to tell me to leave, I’ll gladly go. I don’t need this type of drama in my life. You go ’head and be the best man at their wedding, with your dumb ass,” Connie said as she gathered her things.

Connie wasn’t saying anything that he hadn’t’t already thought about, but he knew deep down that Murder and Law Baby wouldn’t do no foul shit behind his back like that. Pain went to the door to open it for Connie and to give her some of the shit that was sitting on his chest.

“Yo, real shit, I was straight up with you about all of my shit. I didn’t do that just for you to throw that shit in my face when you get in your damn feelings. I did it because I wanted to at least try to give whatever we could’ve built a fighting chance. To answer your fucked up ass question, I’m still friends with them because I’m on my grown man shit. Murder and I grew up together, and contrary to what you think, he has my back just like I have his.

“I should never have to explain why I’m friends with any fucking body. On top of that, your ass should never ask me no shit like that. You all fucked up behind what Lawrynn said to me and then to you when you got in our conversation. You think she gives a fuck that your little ass feelings got hurt? Newsflash, she was holding the nigga she loves and is planning to marry in her lap. He was unconscious, bleeding, and fucking shot. Yeah, choosing her fucking words should’ve been on the top of her fucking list. How the fuck do that shit sound to you?

“Talking about, we got you fucked up. Nah, Buttercup, you got my black ass fucked up. Being on my arm doesn’t give you the right to talk to anybody that I fuck with. I don’t even need to tell you all of that because if you don’t change your fucking attitude right now, this will be the last time you even see me. How the hell are you a doctor and you’re walking around here with a fucked up bedside manner? You got us going on a date confused with you being my woman or some shit.

“Let me break it down for you since you feel like I’m a dumb ass nigga. That is what you called me, right? Well, pay attention because I might be too dumb to explain this shit to you again in the future. If I don’t ask you to be my girl, that means you’re just a bitch I used to know. We’re not dating, together, boyfriend and girlfriend, or even fuck buddies. All you should’ve done tonight was smile, nod, and answer questions. Do I need to repeat that for the bitches in the back?” Pain asked just before he slammed the door in her face.

Pain was pissed at everything tonight, and Murder getting shot was at the top of his list. Connie wasn’t his concern right now. Briefly, he thought about calling her and apologizing for how harsh he was with her, but she had overstepped her purpose tonight in a big way. He was in this shit because of him and his wandering dick, no one else’s.

He knew why Lawrynn came to him first about shooting Murder. He had thought about doing it more than once since everything had gone down. The only thing that changed his mind was the fact that he had already caused her enough pain. Maybe the best thing he could do was try to find out what went down on his own. That would give everybody a chance to calm down… Well, at least he hoped it would.


“I need your help,” Laura told the person who opened the door she knocked on.

“I pretty much knew that when I opened the door and you were standing here. What the hell did you do this time?” he asked.

“I need to get rid of a gun,” she said, looking around.

He still hadn’t invited her into his house. When she said the word, gun, he got a bad feeling.

“Keep going,” he said, still with her on the porch.

“I shot Murder by mistake.”

“Which Murder? I know damn well you not talking about Jimmy’s nephew?” He looked at her like she was every bit of crazy.

“Look, I wasn’t going for him. I was trying to shoot Mike-Mike,” she explained.

“He’s out? How the fuck did that shit happen?”
