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“You stay here, and we’ll figure out what we’re gonna do with ya. Just stay in the crib. I hope there ain’t no more secrets, though. I’m gonna let you know now that the only reason I’m even getting in this shit is because as far as we know, you’re our mother. Until another secret drops, saying that you stole us out of a nursery, I’m gonna do all I can to help you not get killed. Don’t get all excited and shit because if it comes down to him killing me or you, your ass is on your own,” LJ said.

They all walked out of the house, not knowing that Cornelius’ girlfriend was in the hallway listening to the whole conversation. She waited for the door to close before she picked up the phone. This was going to be a quick call before he came out of the bathroom. If things worked out like she wanted, they might get that destination wedding after all. But, the question was if there was enough information. She put the phone back down, deciding that she should wait for more information before cashing her golden ticket.



ddy, you can stay here at my place. I’ll be with Allen anyway. Why did you do all that with Lawrynn in the first place?” Nell asked her father as he lay on her couch.

“Lawrynn was always the child that everyone liked in your fucked-up family. They liked you too but not like they did with her. I needed something to help your damn mama admit what she did in public. Her telling me one on one isn’t gonna help me,” Mike-Mike said.

“Neither of us have anything to do with what y’all got going on. You could’ve just come to me. That would have been less dramatic but still effective. Why didn’t you call me and tell me you were getting out?” she asked.

“I didn’t want your mama to find out. If she knew, then she would’ve hauled ass out of town somewhere,” he told her.

“Why, though?”

“Because, her bitter ass put me there in the first place. Your mama set my ass up. If it wasn’t for Laura telling the truth for once along with the proof she had, I would still be in prison,” he said.

Nell looked at him sideways.

“You’re saying Auntie Laura snitched on Mama for snitching on you?” she asked for clarification.

“Yeah,” he answered.

“Why would Mama lock you up? It wasn’t like y’all were split up when you got busted. She was there with you and sending you money and all that,” Nell said.

“Your lying ass Mama didn’t send me shit. She only visited until a little after my sentence came down. I don’t know why she did the shit either but, I’m damn sure gonna find out,” he said.

Nell heard what he said but, she was trying to put the pieces together in her head. It seemed like shit just kept falling out of nowhere, and none of it made any sense. Why was all this happening right now? The bigger question was why did it seem like her mom and auntie were in the center of all of it. She realized that she still hadn’t talked to Allen since he checked on Murder. Deciding to call him later, she left her dad on the couch and went to lie down on her bed. She was sure that more bullshit was going to come out before everything was revealed, but rest was the only thing on her mind right now.

Mike-Mike lay on the couch knowing that he had caused more drama than he intended. He heard Nell’s room door close, and he sat up. He didn’t need to be bombarded with her questions right now. He needed answers of his own. He saw Nell’s phone on the table, so he picked it up. He knew the one person La-La wouldn’t ignore was Nell. Since she wouldn’t come to him, so they could talk, he would go to her ass. Mike-Mike smirked as he sent off the text message.

Nell: Ma where did you go? I think we need to talk.

Ma: I’m safe, that’s all you need to know right now.

Nell: I have some questions. My daddy’s in the hospital. I need you right now

Ma: He’ll be alright. That nigga’s head is as hard as limestone

Nell: I need answers before he wakes up. Where are you?

Ma: I’m at the Sheraton downtown. Write the questions down because I’m not gonna talk about this shit again. After this, it’s fuck that nigga. He’s yo daddy not mine.

Mike-Mike smirked at the text message. He remembered a time when she would love calling him daddy. Now he was gonna have to settle for her begging for him not to kill her ass. That was just fine with him. He waited until he was sure that Nell was sleeping before taking her keys to her car and going to kill her mother.

Nell woke up a few hours later to find her father and her car gone. After trashing the house and hoping that he hadn’t practically stolen her car to go do God knows what, she called Allen to come pick her up. Once she explained to him what happened, he told her to pack all she could because there was no telling what her father could be up to. She would be staying with him permanently or at least until they figure out what the hell was going on.

La-La had smoked half a of pack of Kools while calling her sister, Laura, back to back. She needed answers to why Mike-Mike brought Laura into their conversation. There was no way Laura knew what she did twelve years ago. As far as La-La knew, no one knew anything but her and the detective. A tear fell from her eyes as she thought about the detective that she was supposed to run away with. It would be just her luck that a month and a half after Mike-Mike was sentenced, he was killed in the line of duty.

She shook her head at the fact that she even fell in love with the detective investigating her man in the first place. Neither one of them expected it to happen, but when it did, the connection was so strong that they couldn’t ignore it if they tried. She went in her wallet and pulled out the picture of them on one of their dates. Missing him had taken a toll on her over the years. He was everything she wanted Mike-Mike to be. They would go on dates. He would send flowers. Both of his parents were dead, so to show La-La that he was serious about wanting to be with her, he took her to their gravesite to introduce them to her. She knew then that she had chosen the right one. The one thing she didn’t know was that the lord wanted him just as much as she did.

A knock on the door brought her out of her trip down memory lane. Putting out her cigarette and clearing her face of the moisture that coated it, La-La took a deep breath before she opened the door.

Opening the door without looking would be another mistake in her life. Just that quickly, she wasn’t greeted by her confused daughter. Instead, she was greeted by a large hand that wrapped around her neck, and the angry eyes of the man she thought would never be free to roam the city again.

“Surprise, bitch,” he said as he pushed her by her neck into the room.
