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Kicking the door closed, he looked around the room to see if anyone else was there. La-La scratched and pulled at his hand, trying to free herself to no avail. He had a death grip on her and death in his eyes.

“You stupid bitch. I did every fucking thing for you. That wasn’t good enough for you, huh? Ungrateful motherfuckers like you make my ass itch. Tell me what you did,” he said just before slapping her so hard that she hit the table then the floor.

The items on the table fell to the floor, and La-La used all the strength she could to try to get the picture off the floor. Mike-Mike didn’t know what she was going for, but he stepped on her hand with all the force he had.

“Ahhhhhh,” La-La screamed out in pain.

Mike-Mike picked up what he thought was a piece of paper, only to flip it over and see that it was a photo of her and the detective who locked him away. He paused and looked from the photo to La-La.

“I should kill your ass, bitch,” he said as he kicked her in the face. “You fucking sold me out for some detective dick. Well, guess what? I had that nigga killed as my parting gift. Did you like it?” he asked with a sinister smile on his face.

“You killed him? How could you do that to him? He loved me,” La-La argued from the floor.

“He loved his wife more,” Mike-Mike said and smirked at the expression on her face when she realized what he said.

“He wasn’t married. You’re a liar!” she screamed.

“Am I? He played you just so you could turn on me like you did. I figured you were the one who turned, but I didn’t have proof until your backstabbing ass sister came to see me. You two bitches are so worried about the other finding happiness that you would sell each other out to the devil just to keep each other miserable,” he told her as he shook his head.

“She didn’t…” La-La said.

“Then how in the fuck did I get my walking papers? Explain that to me since you know it all with your dumb ass,” he said.

Mike-Mike could see La-La’s mind working overtime to find a solution other than her sister selling her out. As the realization hit her, she sobbed harder and harder. She didn’t remember telling her sister or anyone else what she had done, but she would figure all that out if she got out of there alive.

“Hey, bitch,” Mike-Mike said as he threw the black ashtray that was on the floor at La-La’s head.

Once the ashtray hit her in the head, La-La glared at Mike, showing how much she wanted to kill him herself.

“If you’re gonna kill me then go ’head and do it. What the hell are you waiting on?” she, asked trying to get under his skin.

“Why would I do that easy shit? Ain’t no fun in killing you and holding my daughter as she cries because your flawed ass is dead. I’m not gonna kill you, but I can promise you that your life will be a living hell until I get tired of making it that way,” he said with a smile. He saw her head go down, and he stood to his feet. “Don’t be sad, baby mama. Look at it this way. As long as you do what I say when I say it, you’ll live to see another day. Oh yeah, if you tell my daughter or anybody else, I will kill you where you stand. There’s nothing worse than an ungrateful, disloyal motherfucker. Thanks for the hotel room too, by the way. How long are we staying here?” he asked.

“Two weeks,” she mumbled.

“Cool, I’ll take the bed, you can sleep wherever,” he told her as he walked to the bedroom.

A few minutes later, a pillow came flying into the room and landed on the floor.

“How the hell am I gonna get out of this shit?” La-La said to herself.


Murder was finally going home from the hospital. For two days that he was there, he avoided talking about the night he got shot or who he saw with the gun. He knew that Lawrynn wanted to ask him about it but was glad she never did. Telling her that it was her mother who had shot him was not what he wanted to do. He hoped there was another shooter somewhere that he didn’t see. If there wasn’t, he was definitely going to kill Laura. It didn’t matter who she was to him.

“Maurice, what are you thinking about? The nurse has been standing here with the wheelchair for five minutes already. Don’t tell me you want to stay another day,” Lawrynn said and laughed.

“Nah, just some things on my mind. That’s all, beautiful,” Murder said as he got up to sit in the wheelchair.

There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with his legs, but he understood that it was hospital policy for him to ride in the stupid ass chair, so he did. He looked in the bag that had his clothes in it from the night he got shot and stuck his hand in his pan

ts pocket, looking for the box with the ring in it. He took it out and held it in his hand as he got in the car.

Watching as Lawrynn walked around to the driver side, he smiled at her.

“Are you ready, baby?” she asked.

He took the opened box with the ring and extended it in her direction.
