Page 53 of Husband By Request

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“As soon as Olympia gets back we’ll go home and I’ll try my best to accommodate your wishes. According to my calculations, you should be ovulating right now.”

“I hope I am.”

“What else have you been doing this afternoon?”

“Studying. But I didn’t get a lot done once he woke up.”

“Let’s take a look at your homework.”

They walked into the kitchen. She held her breath while he examined the material in her notebook.

When he lifted his head, his eyes were gleaming. “Not one mistake. I’m very impressed, agape mou.”

“Well, I did live here for four months.”

One dark brow dipped. “I’ve known Americans who’ve lived here for years. They may be fluent, but they can’t write our language.”

He always made her feel good. “How did your meeting go?”

She noticed the triumphant glint in his eye. “Very well.”

“Good. That means you’ll be able to keep a roof over our heads for one more day anyway.”

At her comment they both laughed. That was how Olympia found them when she walked in the kitchen.

“Olympia—” Dominique said. “How’s your aunt?”

The other woman’s eyes had centered on Andreas, even though Ari was trying to reach for his mother.

“She has pleurisy, but the doctor says she’s going to be all right. I told her to go lie down.”

“I’m glad it’s nothing too serious,” Andreas murmured.

Dominique eased the baby into his mother’s arms. “My grandmother once had the same thing. It’s very painful, but if your aunt’s careful she’ll recover.”

“I hope Ari didn’t cry the whole time,” she said, without acknowledging Dominique’s remarks.

“No. He fussed a little when he first saw me, but everything was perfect after that. He’s had two bottles.”

“Thank you.”

“I was happy to watch him. He’s so good I can tell you’re a wonderful mother.”

“You are, Olympia,” Andreas concurred. “You manage better than most women with husbands.”

Though Andreas had meant well, Dominique could imagine how Olympia cringed inwardly at that remark. “Excuse me and I’ll get my things out of the kitchen.” She left them standing there to talk.

In two seconds she was back, and waited for him at the front door. Something drastic needed to happen for the situation to change, but at the moment Dominique was out of ideas.

Another minute and they’d left for the penthouse in the limo. He squeezed her hand. “Shall we order from the deli and eat dinner in bed?”

“That sounds divine.”

He pulled her against him and kissed her throat. “You were wonderful to tend Ari like that today. I realize Olympia’s not demonstrative, but I know she appreciated it.”

“She thanked me. But let’s face it, Andreas. Now that her aunt is getting ill more frequently she can’t expect you or Paul to solve her problems.”

“I don’t intend to. I’m thinking of hiring a permanent nanny to help her.”
