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“I take it you haven’t played in a while?” I inquire.

“Since college, but it’s a nice keepsake.” He places the case on the floor, and as he retrieves the guitar from it, a nostalgic look crosses his features. I sit on the couch with my feet tucked under me.

“Tell me more about the guitar thing. Is it just a thing you started to draw in chicks?” The question was meant tongue-in-cheek, but red splotches appear on his cheeks.

“What can I say? You know me well. Took lessons in high school, was in a band in college.”

I shrug. “Not many women can resist a man with a guitar.”

“And you’re one of them?”

Heat rises to my face, and by the satisfied grin on his face, it shows.

“Do you want to play me something?”

“Nah,” he replies. “I think I want to make you blush for a while longer.”

I flip him the bird. “Well, play me a song while you’re at it.”

“Bossy, I like it.”

“If you can’t beat them, join them.”

Max sits on the couch next to me, holding his guitar. He watches me with warm eyes as he strums his fingers over the instrument. From the very first sound, I perk up. He is talented. The song is soft and melodic, and the hair at my nape rises as I listen to him. He is so calm and inviting, as if this comes naturally to him. Then he surprises me by humming along to the music, and now every hair on my body stands on end as I listen to him, watching his lips move. Right at this moment, he is utterly irresistible to me. The urge to lick his lips, and more intimate parts, hits me hard.

“Wow,” I say after he’s done. “You’re great at this.”

“What did you expect?”

“Men like to impress. I thought you were just talking big.”

“You need to give me more credit, Emilia. But I can show you big.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. I ignore him, because I genuinely want to know more.

“Tell me about the band.”

He leans back on the couch, lacing his fingers at the top of his head. “We were five guys in college. Decided to have fun together. We were well liked, and scored a few gigs in local bars. We even had some interest from agents and a record label that wanted us to do an album.”

“What happened?”

“The others went to record the album, but I didn’t stay in the band. Started working with my brothers.”

“Why didn’t you want to play professionally?”

“It was a lot of fun, and a way to relax. I always knew I wanted to work at Bennett Enterprises.” There is no hesitation in his voice.

“I admire your decisiveness. It took me a while to know I wanted to be a physical therapist.”

Max surprises me by smirking.

“What?” I press.

“Alice and I were talking about you a few years ago, taking guesses at what you might be doing. My guesses were doctor, physical therapist, or vet.”

“You know me better than I know myself, then.” The recognition sparks something deep inside me. “You’re happy with your job?”

“Very. I know the business inside out, especially after being in London and building everything up there.”

“That must have been hard.”
