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“You’re bossy.”

“I’ve earned that right.” He points at his foot with one hand, and at the bruised side of his face with the other hand.

“You did,” I admit, chewing on my lip. “I promise not to push you away again.”

“You mean it, Emilia?” he asks, and now his expression is dead serious. I nod, yearning to touch him, to feel closer to him, to soak in his warmth and all the good things that come with Max. “Part of it was my fault. What I said—”

“I think part of me knew you didn’t mean it. I was just trying to read into things. By the way, was the deal with Brazil rescued?”

“No, but it doesn’t matter. We’ll find new partners. Come here.” He pats the side of the bed on his unhurt side. I almost fly to him, climbing on the bed with lightning speed.

“Wow. I’ve never had such an enthusiastic response when inviting a girl in bed.”

“The bruised face and bandaged leg really do it for you,” I assure him. “Alice said you might need a physical therapist again.”

“Lucky I know a sexy one who wants to make things up to me, so she has to do everything I ask. You’d better get me in shape for Logan and Nadine’s wedding.” He’s inches away from me. Unable to hold back any longer, I touch the side of his face with my fingers, nestling the side of my body closer to him.

“If you’re gonna climb me, you’d better do it properly.”

“Or what?” I challenge, but I slip under his cover. Since he must lie on his back, I climb with half my body over his uninjured half.

“I’m sure I can think of a way to make you pay,” he says devilishly.

“If I kiss you, will you hurt?” I ask, inspecting the bruise.

“Eating wasn’t a walk in the park, so I think kissing my mouth is out of the question. But there are plenty of other body parts that need your attention—all uninjured.” Putting his mouth to my ear, he whispers in a low, seductive voice, “Especially the Emilia sensor.”

“You’re so full of shit,” I say with a grin, enjoying this immensely. “Not even an accident or lying in a hospital bed can get your mind out of the gutter.”

“I want you to make me some promises, Emilia.” He speaks the words against my temple, and my body instantly tightens. Sucking in a deep breath, I nod. “I love you more than I thought possible. Actually, today I had a revelation. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.”

I snuggle tighter against him, my heart soaring. “Yeah?”

“Yep. And no, you’re not allowed to make fun of me for not realizing it earlier. It took you a while too.”

“Mmmm….” I roam with my forefinger at the base of his neck, a suspicion gnawing at me. “So you realized it all on your own?”

“Mom might have said a few things that… helped.”

I grin so wide my face almost hurts, and I bury my face in his neck. “I’m going to give you so much shit for it. Just wait until you can walk on both legs.”

“That’s gonna be something if I need both legs for it.”

“What were those promises you wanted me to make?” I pepper his shoulder with kisses, waiting for his answer with my heart in my throat.

“First, that you’ll do that,” he points to my lips, “as often as possible. You’re also welcome to put that mouth anywhere else you want.”

“I think I can do that,” I tease. “What else?”

“That you’ll cater to my every need until I’m one hundred percent healthy again.”

I twist one of his nipples lightly, making him yelp. “You’re going to milk this accident thing for all its worth, aren’t you?”

“You can bet on it. I also want us to move in together. We can find an apartment or a house big enough for the two of us, and Grams plus her caretaker.”

“You thought everything through, didn’t you?” I whisper.

“I might have already made a list with potential properties last week. What do you say?”
