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And maybe it's because she seems to get more distressed by the second, but I resort to the one thing I know will take her mind off it.

"Hey, I'm a big proponent of indecency. You'd make my day if you told me you're wearing a camisole underneath that." Seeing her blush, I can't help leaning in and adding in a slight whisper, "And no panties."

My words have the desired effect of making her laugh. "I'm not even awake enough to come up with a witty reply to that. Let's go in the kitchen. I'll make you a sandwich."

As I follow her, I actually make an effort to avoid ogling her round, perky ass. Her robe is tightened around her middle, which highlights her other curves more than I wish it would.

"Do you ever leave the house wearing just your robe?"

"I know my choice of clothes is oddly colorful sometimes, but I don't go out of the house in what's practically underwear."

"Not even to get the mail or something?"

She turns around as we enter the small kitchen. "What's with all the questions?"

"Just wondering if any of your neighbors saw what I'm seeing right now. I might have to kill a few if the answer's yes."

"Territorial much?"

Her question takes me by surprise, and damn, I haven't been territorial with a woman in a long time. Victoria keeps surprising me. Not only that, she makes me surprise myself, and that has never happened before. Maybe this is why, despite my best efforts, I can't tone down the flirting. Okay, scratch that. I'm not even making a decent effort. If anything, I'm looking for any opportunity to make her blush.

A slow smile spreads on her face. "Just think about all those men who saw me in a bikini."

I love this woman's spirit and talent for banter. Still, that doesn't make me less of an ass. All I want is to prop her up on this counter, bury myself inside her, and lure sounds of pleasure out of her delicious mouth.

"How do you drink your coffee?" she asks, snapping me out of my dirty, selfish thoughts.

"Black. I thought you were a tea person?"

"I am, but you aren't, so I bought a bag of coffee. It's the least I can do since you're willing to spend your day training Lucas."

The kitchen is small but practical. Placing my gym bag in a corner, I stand by the window, where I have a view of the backyard. There's a goalpost in place already.

A few short minutes later, she hands me a cup of steamy coffee and pours herself tea, then opens her fridge.

"What do you want on your sandwich? I have ham, cheese, vegetables…."

"Ham and cheese will do."

Shortly afterward she hands me a sandwich. I bite into it while I'm waiting for the coffee to cool down a few degrees since I don't have the patience to sip it slowly. Usually, I down it in a few gulps. I formed the habit over the years, drinking my coffee quickly before anyone interrupted me with a call or a meeting.

"Are you waiting for that coffee to cool down so you drink it in one guzzle?"

"Please tell me you don't have that weird people-reading ability all the women in my family possess. I'm a dead man otherwise."

"I'd love to say yes, but I'm a pretty bad judge of character. Something in your body language just tipped me off, I suppose."

"You're right. I usually wait until the coffee is almost cold, and then drink it in a few gulps. It's the quickest."

She squints her nose, looking more adorable than ever. "So you're not just a coffee drinker, but a lukewarm coffee drinker?"

"The worst kind," I confirm. "I don't drink it for the taste. In fact, I don't even like it, but I need the caffeine boost."

She holds up her cup, tipping it slightly in my direction. "Is tea sounding more attractive?"


"I challenge you to take your time and enjoy your coffee in peace today. Admire the sky, the flowers."
