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Christopher: I want to know more about her. What does she do in her free time?

This gives me pause, as I make a mental inventory of my favorite activities. I don't have as much free time now, but I still try to cram some fun in between all the hard work.

Victoria: She loves books and movies and going out with her girlfriends. She also loves dancing but hasn't had time for it in ages. She's an avid foodie, especially if it involves unexpected or bizarre courses. (See? Bizarre is used in a positive way here.)

His response is almost instantaneous.

Christopher: What's her favorite drink/food/movie?

Slowly, I become aware of his game, and I can't help being pulled into it.

Victoria: She absolutely adores eggnog with extra caramel topping (outside of her working hours, of course) and thinks it’s a pity it’s not available year-round, and she never says no to pizza. Favorite movie of all times: Gone with the Wind.

My fingers hover over the Send button, but I want to ask questions of my own too. So I add some.

Victoria: What's his favorite book/movie? Does he like dancing?

Then I press Send and become aware I've been chewing my nails. I'm trembling with excitement. Trembling. What spell does this man have on me?

Christopher: He likes to read and watch superhero stories, but he’ll sit through a chick flick if there's a chance it leads to dancing. The horizontal kind. It's the only type of dancing he practices (and he's open to bizarre positions too).

Well, hell. Instantly, images start flowing in my mind of a naked Christopher. Though I have no proof, I'm sure this man knows his way around a woman's body. He'd know exactly how to touch me to send me over the edge, exactly how to kiss me to make me want more of him. God, I already want all of him, and he hasn't even kissed me.

With a sigh, I realize I'm not just excited anymore but also turned on. The ache between my legs is almost unbearable. Swallowing, I try to focus on the benign part of his message.

Victoria: Gone with the Wind is NOT a chick flick.

Christopher: It has chicks crying over guys. That makes it a chick flick in any guy's book. (Also, the blatant ignoring of the horizontal dancing topic has not gone unnoticed.)

Yep, I’ll keep ignoring it. Not ready to open that can of worms.

Victoria: Superhero movies also have chicks crying/fighting over guys. Judgmental much?

Christopher: Nope. 100% in the right.

Well, now he's just awakening my mama bear side, who'd do anything to protect her favorite movie. Gripped by the intensity of our exchange, I can't help myself asking more. I can't even explain why this feels like a safe way to find out more about him, but I don't care.

Victoria: What's his favorite place in the city? What's his greatest secret?

Christopher. The Golden Gate Park. As for the secret, he can't tell you.

Frowning, I reach for the glass of water on my desk. I text him while downing a large gulp.

Victoria: Why not?

Christopher: Maintaining an air of mystery is a must, even if it means resorting to sneakiness.

I nearly spit out the water as I read that last word.

Victoria: Said sneakiness involves tricking me into talking to a certain Jenna Bennett?

Holding my breath, I wait for his answer.

Christopher: That was no trick. My mother is known to give some great advice, and I thought it would help. It was a completely selfless thing.

Victoria: It did help. Thank you. That was a very nice thing to do.

Christopher: If you were mine, I'd do many *nice* things for you. Feel free to replace nice with delicious, sexy, and romantic, depending on what you're in the mood for.
