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She comes apart beautifully, crying out my name. I almost black out as warm liquid shoots onto my stomach.

"I…. This was…," she whispers, her breath still ragged.

"I know. And Victoria? I will make those dreams of yours a reality. And it will be a million times more intense than this."

Chapter Sixteen


On Thursday, Isabelle and I visit an interior design fair downtown. Furniture designers show off their creations, and the venue will be buzzing with vendors and buyers alike. Hello, potential clients. The chances of convincing someone to hire us merely by pitching to them at a fair are much slimmer than in the case of people coming from recommendations, but it's still a source. We try to attend as many local fairs as possible.

By the time Isabelle and I reach the venue, it's raining cats and dogs. We both have umbrellas, but it's not helping much. The strong wind carries the raindrops everywhere, drenching my coat.

"Damn," Isabelle exclaims as we enter the venue.


The place is packed, of course, as I expected it to be.

"Divide and conquer?" I suggest.

"You're on," she replies. The venue has been split into four areas, and we each take on two.

"Let's meet up at the coffee shop area at the end of the hall afterward to talk about our findings," I suggest.


I fish the notebook I brought out of my bag and start writing down trends that strike me as innovative, aesthetically pleasant, or just practical. My clients' needs and requirements vary considerably, which is good; it keeps me on my toes, makes things more interesting. I jot down items that might be a good fit for my current clients, and I also hand out business cards to people looking for decorators.

When I arrive in front of a classic living room display, I bump into the one person I was hoping to avoid: my former employer, Natasha Jenkins. I haven't seen her since she fired me. Isabelle said Natasha was furious when she left the company to join me.

"Hi, Natasha!" I extend my hand to her, which she shakes stiffly.

"Victoria! How's business going?"

"It's good," I say with a smile. "Finding clients isn't easy, but it's better than I expected."

Natasha scrutinizes me, pursing her lips. I know the gesture too well. It means she's carefully considering her words.

"I've been at Alice Bennett's newest restaurant. Imagine my surprise when she said you decorated it."

"Why are you surprised? I decorated the first one too."

"My company decorated it." Ah yes, Natasha is definitely one of those bosses who loves to take all of the credit. "She was our client. I wasn't aware your business model is stealing our clients."

I freeze as if someone doused a bucket with ice over my head. "I didn't steal anyone. Alice was my account when I worked for you. I decorated her entire restaurant. She was happy with my work and wanted me to help her with the second one too."

"The correct thing would have been to ask her to find another decorator within my company."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I tap my fingers on the opposite elbow. "I told her I'm no longer employed by you. It was her choice to go with me."

Natasha smiles tightly. "If I find out that any other clients of mine will choose to go with you, you're going to have a lawsuit on your hands."

When did she become so catty? I found out how unfair she was when she fired me at the first sign I had a personal life with new responsibilities, but even then she was diplomatic.

"I'm in no mood to listen to your unfounded accusations. Have a good day, Natasha."

I'm fuming as I walk over to the next display, and several minutes pass before I'm calm enough to concentrate on my task again. After finishing my rounds, I join Isabelle at the standing coffee shop at the back of the venue.
