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As we work together for the next few minutes, the clouds of doubt gather in my mind again. I toy with the idea of not saying anything about it, but I just know I'll drive myself crazy.

"Christopher, it's okay I came by, right?"

He stops midtask, snapping his gaze up to me. By the playful set of his mouth, I can tell he was planning to shoot back a sarcastic answer, but something in my features must alert him that I'm serious because he changes gears, straightening up.

"Of course. Why are you asking?"

I shrug, trying to backpedal, feeling a little foolish. Okay, a lot. "It's just that we've been spending a lot of time together lately, and I was wondering if you need some time for yourself."

Christopher puts his tools down, closing the distance to me. When he's right in front of me, he places a hand on my waist, cupping my cheek with the other one.

"I don't need space."

"Sorry, I'm being silly," I say quickly.

"No, you're not. I want you to talk to me whenever there's something on your mind."

I laugh nervously, biting my lower lip. "Okay."

A gust of wind ruffles my hair and Christopher brushes it away from my face, resting his forehead against mine. "I have a problem, Victoria."


"I can't get enough of you."

"Funny, we have the same problem." Butterflies flutter around in my belly, filling me with a giddy happiness.

"I think about you all the time when I'm not with you."

I flatten myself against him, needing to feel him nearer.

"You're an amazing woman. You're funny, loving, loyal. Sometimes I smile to myself like an idiot in my office thinking about you. Once, I completely blanked out during a meeting, but I made it pass as weighing the benefits of Max's proposal. By the way, if my brother mentions it, don't tell him the truth. I'll never live that down."

"I'll keep your secret," I assure him, unable to withhold a smile. The thought of Christopher, wearing his business face and matching cufflinks, losing the thread of his thoughts because of me is delightful.

The air between us is loaded with emotions as we both become aware we're headed toward unchartered territory, with no certainty as to where this will lead.

"I love every minute we spend together. Even when you're against me and make me watch a terrible, awful movie," I begin.

"We really need to work on your taste in movies."

"Shush, you're interrupting my speech."

"Please continue."

"You make me laugh, and you're adorable with my siblings. And you're just strong and big… and I totally didn't mean that in a sexual way," I finish lamely. Completely flustered, I make myself small, resting my head in the crook of his neck. Feeling his pulse against my chin has the unexpected effect of calming me.

"I wouldn't take offense if you did," he says with a chuckle.

"Of course not."

"Look at me, Victoria."

I pull away from him, straightening up so I can see him better. Those eyes, the color of chocolate that I adore so much.

"I've never laid myself bare this way, to anyone," I say honestly.

"Neither have I." He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand, pressing his thumb gently at the corner of my lip. "It never felt right before, but it does now."
