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As we move the party back into the living room, Sienna accosts Nadine again, and Chloe and Lucas gravitate around Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. I finally inspect the place in detail. It’s more spacious than a regular living room in a house this size. I suspect part of it used to be a separate room, and the Bennetts tore down a wall. Aside from the enormous couch on one wall, there are several groups of armchairs and ottomans spread around the room. The setup is perfect for large gatherings such as this one. Having everyone sit on or stand around the couch wouldn't be pleasant. It would result in too many simultaneous conversations, which would be hard to follow. As it is, one can choose to sit in one of the armchair or ottoman groups and carry on a conversation, while being able to cross over to the larger group in no time.

"Chloe is adorable," Pippa exclaims, appearing at my side. She sits on the nearest armchair, holding one of her daughters in her arms. I sit on the opposite chair, watching the large group from afar. Christopher is in his element with his siblings, winking at me from time to time.

"Yeah, and she's glued to your mother."

"Oh, don't you worry. Mom loves it." Pippa rocks her daughter in her arms, cooing at her.

"Motherhood suits you," I tell her.

"I love it, even though I do wonder if I'll feel less like a zombie anytime soon. The girls don’t always sleep through the night, and I'm one of those people who takes ages to fall asleep. It's difficult to concentrate on work."

"Oh, you go into your office?" I inquire, worrying she's biting off more than she can chew.

"I mostly work from home, but a few times a week I do go into the office."

"Wow, I have no idea how you do it with two small children."

"It's all a bit of a mess, if I'm honest. I love my job, and I love my kids and my husband. But right now, I feel like I'm failing everywhere. Mom says I'm doing fine, and she helps me a lot, but…."

My heart squeezes, and I have the overwhelming urge to comfort her. I'm not exactly in her position, but I'm close. At the very least, I'm painfully familiar with the feeling of permanent failure. What surprises me is that even with her mother by her side, she still can't shake off that feeling. Talking to Mrs. Bennett on the phone all those months ago helped me a lot. Then I realize what Pippa needs: for someone outside the family to tell her she's doing just fine. After all, I never took Aunt Christina's assurances at face value. Sometimes you can't help feeling your own family is cutting you slack just because they love you.

"You're not failing, Pippa. It's normal to need a transitioning period. Be prepared for it to last a long time. You're doing a great job."

She smiles up at me, straightening her shoulders. "Thanks for the encouragement."

As if on cue, her husband steps in. "I just put Mia to sleep. I'll take Elena too."

"Best if they don't miss their nap time," she explains to me while placing her daughter in her husband's arms.

Once he's out of earshot, she says, "Watching my husband with a baby in his arms…. Maybe I'm still high on baby hormones, but I find him adorable and hot at the same time."

"It's not hormones," I assure her. "My heart somersaults every time Christopher carries Chloe in his arms."

"He does have a knack for kids, doesn't he?"

"Absolutely. They all worship him and love having him around. I love having him around too. Being with him is…. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for him. If I'm honest, it scares me."

"He's head over heels about you, and the kids. I've never seen him like this. And it's a good sign that you're afraid. You know it's real when it scares you."

It's only when I notice the twinkle of triumph in Pippa's eyes that I realize Christopher's warning has come to fruition. This woman definitely has a truth serum.

"I knew you'd be good for my brother since we worked together. That's why I recommended you to him."

"Ah, and I foolishly thought you were impressed with my decorating skills."

"Those too, don't worry. But my matchmaker sensor was in hyperalert when I met you. I had to do something about it."

"Completely understandable." We both start laughing until Sebastian and his wife, Ava, join us, and we slip into an easy conversation. Matchmaking isn't brought up again.


Hours later, as we're preparing to leave, I notice Chloe seems to be out of sorts.

"Everything okay, pumpkin?" I whisper, even though it's just the two of us in the foyer. Lucas, Sienna, and Christopher are already outside, and everyone else is still in the living room. She nods, huffing softly as I slide her jacket on.

"I can tell there's something up with you," I insist.

"Do you think Mr. and Mrs. Bennett like us?" she asks, surprising the hell out of me. I've been so busy fretting over my own anxiety at meeting the family, I haven't stopped to think about hers.
