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“So anyway,” Doug says, letting his hand slide away as though it’s decided that we’re extending the evening, “what’s been going on with you?”

I glance at the time on my phone. Not bad. It’s only taken him an hour and twelve minutes to ask anything about me.

It’s too little way too late, but since the bartender’s still not looking my way and I’m not quite rude enough to just walk out and stick Doug with the bill, I take a deep breath for patience.

“Not much. I’m on my own for Christmas this year, since my parents are on an Alaskan cruise for their anniversary.”

Doug rests his chin on his shoulder, ogling one of the waitresses as she walks by with a tray full of beers. Nice.

“And I’ve decided to quit my job, shave my head, and move to the South Pacific and collect turtles,” I say, to test if he’s listening even a little bit.

He merely nods distractedly and reaches for his beer. “Cool. Well, I can tell you this, you look good. If anyone gives you shit for gaining weight, send ’em my way. I’ll happily let them know that some women look better with a little padding.”

For a second I don’t think I’ve heard him right. The jab is so offhand and casual, as though it’s his right to tell a woman when she’s attractive and when she’s not. As though it’s okay to tell a woman he hasn’t spoken to in years that she’s gained weight.

It’s not very often I’m speechless—I like to consider myself a think-on-my-feet kind of girl—but rig

ht now my mind is blank with rage and hurt. Maybe a little humiliation.

Unfortunately, it’s the latter two that are winning out, because instead of giving him the blistering tirade he deserves, I’m horrified to feel my eyes watering.

I’m so busy trying to blink back the tears while Doug sips his beer, oblivious to my reaction, that I don’t register that we’re no longer alone.

“How’s it going here?” says the newcomer.

My humiliation fades a little, replaced by surprise.

I turn. Mark?

My best friend shifts his irritated gaze from Doug’s profile to my face, his searching eyes missing nothing. You okay?

I swallow. No.

It’s a silent exchange, but a telling one. Mark’s protective, but he’s always been careful not to cross the line into possessive rescue-the-little-woman territory.

I appreciate that he doesn’t think I need to be treated differently because I’m a woman. But tonight isn’t about me being a woman, it’s about being a person, with feelings that just got hurt. Mark’s not the type of guy to let a friend be hurt, male or female.

“Apologize,” Mark grinds out.

“Great,” Doug murmurs, dragging out the word derisively. “I see you’ve still got your guard dog.”

“Apologize,” Mark snaps again.

Doug gives us both an incredulous look. “For what?”

Mark doesn’t reply, and I realize he didn’t hear Doug’s cruel words; he only knows that they upset me. I feel an intense stab of gratitude for his unflinching loyalty.

I give Doug an angry look of my own. “For implying I was fat.”

Mark lets out a low growl, and Doug holds up his hands innocently with a laugh. “Whoa, what? I don’t think you’re fat, babe, I just said you look good with a few extra pounds. That’s all I meant.”

“Regardless, it was insulting,” I say, reaching for my purse. I drop a couple of twenties on the bar. It’s more than enough to cover my two wines and Doug’s beers plus tip, but I don’t want to wait around to get change.

I stand, and though I appreciate Mark holding out a hand to steady me on my high heels, I don’t need it. My friend’s presence is enough to remind me that there are good guys in this world, and that I don’t need to waste another thought on the lame ones.

“I wish I could say it’s been nice seeing you again,” I tell Doug, “but…” I shrug, because I’m literally incapable of forcing any niceties.

Doug’s gaze is somewhere between incredulous and bored as it flicks between me and Mark. Then he shakes his head and reaches for his beer. “Unbelievable. Some things never change.”
