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And too late I realize that the cameras aren’t what matter. Neither does the spectacle, or the fact that the start of our marriage always would have been met with eye rolls by the snobby, judgy type of people.

Too late I realize that it’s not the time on camera that defined what Gage and I had. It was the time spent off camera. In that damn closet, in the car, in the ocean, in that hotel room…those were our moments.

That’s what mattered, and I threw it away.

My eyes water again. I’m turning into a regular weeper over this guy, and I’m not digging it.

“Oh my God,” Mom whispers, squeezing my hand.

My attention snaps back to the present, and I glance at Mom’s and Marjorie’s shocked faces before forcing myself to turn my attention back to the TV.

Gage is holding both of Paisley’s hands, and she lets out a happy laugh. “I get it,” she says, her words gushing out. “I so get it, and it’s more than fine, and I’m so happy for you, because…and I think you already know this…I’m in love with someone else too.”

My jaw drops open. “What? What? What did she just say? What?”

Marjorie reaches out and puts a hand over my mouth as all three of us watch Gage wink at Paisley. “You’re absolutely right, Pais. I did know that. In fact…” He offers his arm. “Care to walk with me a bit?”

Paisley sets her fingers on Gage’s arm and the camera follows them for the short walk along a winding pathway until they reach the wedding set where we saw Adam earlier. Except this time the chairs aren’t empty. They’re full of people, all of whom turn and smile when they see Paisley and Gage.

“I don’t understand,” Mom mutters. “Are they getting married even though they’re not in love?”

“If they do, I’ll boycott this show so hard,” Marjorie says threateningly.

A moment later Adam steps up to greet the couple. “Gage. Paisley. I can’t say any of us at Jilted saw this ending coming, but if this is what the two of you want…”

Gage shakes his head. “This moment’s not about me. This is all about her.”

Adam fixes his attention on the bride. “Paisley?”

She doesn’t answer, but her eyes scan the gathering until they find what she’s looking for, and her entire face transforms with blissful happiness. The camera follows her line of sight to reveal…

My jaw drops. “Ed?”

“Oh my God, is that the hot surfer guy?” Marjorie asks.

Mom reaches behind me to bat excitedly at Marjorie’s shoulder. “I told you they had chemistry!”

“Chemistry, yes, but…”

The camera’s back on Paisley now, who lifts a hand to hide her giggle. Adam’s smile is just the slightest bit pinched, but his words are kind. “We’re all delighted about your secret romance, Paisley. All we’ve ever wanted at Jilted is to help people find love, and we’re glad we could do that for you, albeit not exactly as we planned.”

I swear I see Paisley give just the tiniest of eye rolls, making me love her all the more, but then she thanks Adam graciously and turns to Gage. “You’re sure you don’t mind me hijacking your wedding?”

Gage’s smile merely grows wider, and he lifts his hand to gesture someone forward.

Paisley’s eyes go wide as a gray-haired man steps into view. “Daddy?”

Gage bends down to kiss her cheek. “Be happy, Paisley.” He says it quietly, more for her than for the cameras.

She lifts a hand to his cheek. “You too.”

Gage leans down and whispers something in her ear that makes them both smile.

“What’d he say?” I demand. “What’d he say?”

I don’t get any answers. My mom and Marjorie still look stunned at the twist, and the camera shifts its focus from Gage to Paisley and her father.

A moment later the processional begins, and we watch as Paisley proceeds to marry Ed the surfing instructor.
