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I mean, what the what?

I’m happy for her. So happy for her. And now, more than ever, I regret that I turned down the invitation to be there for the finale and the wedding. The rest of the women are there, even Brittany B. and Eden, looking pissy as ever. As far as I can tell, Brooklyn and I are the only ones missing.

In what feels like both the fastest and longest wedding of all time, Paisley and Ed say their vows, seal the deal with a slightly PG-13 kiss, and are promptly surrounded by the rest of the Jilted gang.

Except Gage.

Where’s Gage?

A moment later, we pan to Adam again, blabbering on about the surprising nature of true love, and some other crap.

He inserts another of his dramatic pauses, and the camera zooms in. “And for those of you wondering about Gage…the Runaway Groom has done it again. In true movie star fashion, he’s currently on his way to Dubai to film the next Killboy movie.”

“Wait, that’s it?” I say as Adam quits babbling and the camera pans to Paisley and Ed walking along the beach. “That can’t be it. There has to be more.”

Marjorie lifts the remote, turns off the TV. “I think that’s it, babe.”

“But—but…my closure. That’s not closure! That’s an opening!”

My mom strokes my ponytail soothingly, but I’m in no mood to be soothed. I want answers, damn it. I want—

All three of us go still at a knock on the door.

“You expecting anyone?” Mom asks.

I shake my head. “No. But one of my neighbors gave me a spare key, because she’s forever locking herself out. Probably her.”

I open the front door. It’s not my neighbor.

My breath catches, my heart stops.


Gage Barrett is standing in my doorway, wearing jeans and a white dress shirt, holding an obscene number of flowers.

He flashes a cocky-as-hell grin as he lifts his free arm and rests it on the doorjamb. “Miss me?”


I’ve been to a lot of auditions in my day, all accompanied by varying degrees of terror of rejection.

But it’s safe to say that standing in Ellie Wright’s apartment building, holding fucking roses in one hand, my heart in the other…

This is the most terrifying audition of my life.

“Can I come in?” I ask when she doesn’t do much more than stare at me.


She’s nudged aside by a short, curvy blonde who grins, then blinks. “Hi! I’m Marjorie, best friend and huge fan. I mean, best friend to Ellie, huge fan of you. I’m a fan of Ellie’s too. Wow. Wow. You’re better in person. Can I touch you?”

Ellie rolls her eyes and pushes her friend aside before I can reply, but Marjorie bounces back. “Here. I’ll take those and get them water. Pretend I’m not here, except talk super loud so I don’t miss anything,” she says, tugging the bouquet out of my arms.

A moment later an older woman appears, and it’s instantly obvious that she’s Ellie’s mother. They have the same hazel eyes, same slight build. But whereas Ellie’s eyes have always seemed wary and guarded, her mom’s are open and friendly.

Ellie swallows and speaks for the first time. “Mom, this is Gage. Gage, my mother, Bethany Wright.”

Her mom looks a little starstruck. “We just…” She points at the TV. “But we just saw you.”
