Page 54 of Moon Flower

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“I apologize for my tardiness,” Mr. Blackburn said once they got to the room.

Galen smiled. “I’m only glad to see you’re well.”

He undressed and stood before Mr. Blackburn, feeling a bit nervous as he waited for direction. He’d never interacted with him alone, which was a silly thought, given what he’d engaged in with other patrons.

“I’d like you to touch yourself,” Mr. Blackburn said, motioning to the chair where Galen had first watched Azriel through the aperture. And though it remained closed now, he pictured what it might be like if Azriel were standing on the other side of the door. He shivered a little at the fantasy, and his prick plumped up. He took his cock in hand and twisted his wrist near the glans, which normally helped him ramp up. But he still felt on display and a bit shy, alone in the room with Mr. Blackburn.

Mr. Blackburn must’ve noticed his hesitance, as he coached him further. “Imagine that Azriel is here with us. Tell me what you see.”

Shutting his eyes helped him feel more comfortable. He settled against the chair and tried to picture the man who made his stomach tremble. “He’s standing bare before me with a flushed cock protruding from his dark nest of hair. His lower lip is plump, because he likes to bite on it when he’s waiting for instruction.”

“And he smells like flowers,” Mr. Blackburn said.

“Yes.” He sighed dreamily. “Always like flowers.”

“You are rather fond of him,” Mr. Blackburn said, and Galen stiffened. “Do not fret. It is only you and I in this room, and the aperture remains closed. You are free to say anything you like.”

Still, Galen decided to reply carefully, since Mr. Blackburn was a customer at Moon Flower and such personal dialogue might ultimately get him in trouble.

“Who wouldn’t be? Azriel is pretty to look at,” Galen said cautiously. “Isn’t that why you chose him to begin with?”

“He reminded me of someone quite beautiful.” Mr. Blackburn’s tone was wistful. “Someone who also had a tender disposition and a vulnerable heart.”

Galen gasped but did not respond. He didn’t want to betray Azriel’s trust. Could Mr. Blackburn possibly know of their misfortunes—or perhaps had a keen perception of them?

“And whenever you are near, Galen, his eyes soften, and it’s lovely to see.”

“No, I don’t think he—” His stomach fluttered. He wanted to believe it was true. That Azriel’s fervent kisses and surreptitious glances meant he felt that same persistent need to be close to him.

Mr. Blackburn chuckled. “You are even lovelier when you blush. The color on your cheeks is like a vibrant magenta.”

“Th-thank you, sir,” he stammered. It was only a coincidence that he’d used that word. He couldn’t know that was how he saw Azriel’s aura. But things began firing in his brain. Could the color in his aura mean something beyond passion, something more than fondness?

His heart hammered, and his fingers skimmed over his lips as he relived their kiss. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he forgot the gentleman was in the room, and his voice startled him.

“Now, picture what Azriel’s hand—or perhaps his mouth—would feel like.”

So Galen did, told him how Azriel was on his knees for him, taking his cock so prettily between his lips. “His mouth feels so warm and eager.” His fist grew tighter, his eyes screwed shut, and he was so close to spilling. “When I finally spend, he swallows every drop so greedily.” He groaned, his own fantasy sending him to the high heavens as he shuddered.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Mr. Blackburn was straightening his breeches, and somehow he couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Is watching more arousing to you? Is that why you don’t partake?”

Mr. Blackburn flushed crimson, and Galen immediately regretted asking.

“I shouldn’t have…”

“It’s all right,” Mr. Blackburn said. “Perhaps knowing will help you both understand how much I cherish these evenings.”

Galen held his breath, having no idea what he was about to say. Quite suddenly, a deep blue surrounded Mr. Blackburn, and Galen felt a heavy sadness.

“Arthur, my beloved of nearly nineteen years, died unexpectedly three-and-twenty months ago…and six days…a fall from a horse…and I am still in mourning.”

Galen covered his mouth. “I am so sorry. I did not mean—”

“I cannot bear for anyone else to touch me.” He dipped his head. “But you and Azriel remind me of what it was like to be completely besotted. And it helps to escape my loneliness, and my memories, for a few precious hours.”

Galen’s heart ached, and he felt the stinging threat of tears.

Mr. Blackburn swiped at his own eyes. “Now, no more of that. How about a spot of tea?”

Galen still felt melancholy when he returned to the sleeping quarters, which were empty save for Percy and Edward. He slid beneath his sheets and closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep quickly and wake up with a cheerier disposition.
