Page 26 of Big Daddy

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“It’s nothing, really. Besides, Star will be gone for a couple of days. Cynthia wanted company and she’s the closest thing the kid’s got to a grandmother around here. She spoils the hell out of Star and I think Cynthia gets just as much out of it as Star does.”

She wrapped her arms around herself and tucked her chin. “I can’t believe this is happening again.” She sounded utterly defeated and my heart hurt for her.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “You’re safe here. Go get cleaned up and relax, Dream. I promise you’ll feel better.” I wanted to kiss her, but instead, I pulled her close and hugged her. “It’ll be all right.”

Dream pulled away and wiped her eyes. “I guess I’ll go have that shower.”

“Soak in the tub if you like.” I walked with her into the family room and then she climbed the stairs slowly as if she was off to her death chamber. I knew it had to be tough constantly being on the run, but if I could help it, her running days were over.

I went back to the kitchen to get my phone and then sat in my recliner to call Austin. With any luck, he’d be able to give me some much-needed advice.

“You’re actually calling me for a change? This must be a major crisis. What happened, you forget where you left the kid? I’ll call out an APB.” It was always good to hear his voice when I was in this mood, and I was so concerned about Dream that I got right to the point.

“I do have problems. You know the girl I told you about, Dream, the one from the diner?”

“Yeah, the one I’m not sure is real and is probably an actual daydream?”

“No, man. She’s real, and she’s got some real problems too. She’s upstairs in the tub, so I don’t have too much time, but—”

“Wait. Let me get this right. You have a sexy woman in your tub, and you’re calling me? Did you forget where you’re supposed to put your dick? Get your ass up there, man.”

I let out a growl of frustration. “It’s not like that, man. She’s in trouble. Here’s in town, and he’s with the Chicago PD. I can’t just call the police for help, but I was hoping you’d be able to make a few calls where I might get some help over here.”

“What kind of trouble is she in?”

“He’s beaten the shit out of her for most of their marriage. She’s run a few different times, but because of his connections, he always finds her and drags her back home. She’s convinced he’ll kill her this time.”

Austin let out a breath. “I’ll have the Admiral call the local authorities and put in a personal request. I’m sure he has strings with the Chicago PD as well, you know that old bastard knows everyone.”

I gave a halfhearted laugh. “Yeah, I’m sure he does. Anything you can do, man. I normally wouldn’t worry so much, but this is Star’s home too now, and I’ve got to think of her safety.”

“Let me call around, and I’ll see what I can come up with.”

“Thanks, brother.”


The tub was one of those big, deep clawfoot ones and I filled it just high enough to cover my breasts. I sank back against the cool porcelain and let it soothe my aching back, as the hot water did its magic on the rest of me.

I had my hair bunched up in a top knot and lathered my breasts and shoulders before letting it fall. It needed a good wash, and I was sure going to miss the vanilla bean shampoo that Liza had.

I had scrubbed every inch of myself and had started to prune when I looked around and realized I’d forgotten a towel. The room had one cabinet, and I dripped across the floor to lean in and take a peek.

About that time, I heard footsteps out in the hallway. “Chance?”

“Yeah,” he called through the door.

“I don’t see any towels.” I tried to bunch my hair and wring it out over the tub as the water went down the drain.

“Shit. I’m sorry about that. Star made a mess and flooded the bathroom the other night. I had to use all we had, and they’re still down in the dryer. I’ll go get them.” The footsteps faded and minutes later returned.

A knock came to the door. “I’ll just leave it if you want.”

I opened the door a crack as he was stepping away. I was hidden behind the door but his eyes went behind me, and he grinned.

He leaned in close as he passed the towel. I turned around to see the mirror behind me, and nearly screeched. He could see everything. I wrapped the towel around me quickly, and he stepped back into the hall. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

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