Page 31 of Big Daddy

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His eyes widened, and then he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Knock yourself out, sweetheart. I’ll call Cynthia and let her know you’re here. Maybe she and Star can come visit you until I get back this evening.”

“That would be great. I do miss her and Cynthia sounds like fun.”

“You’ll love her.” He gave me a pat on the ass and walked out to his truck where he hesitated before getting into the cab. “Don’t go anywhere, don’t hang out outside. If you get scared, call me. That’s why I got you the phone. Use it.” He flashed me a wink.

I gave him a halfhearted smile in return. “Okay. I’ll be fine. Go make your cast.” I turned and went into the house, and I peeked out the window to see him shaking his head as he got in the truck. He seemed worried, and it was sweet. It had been too long since a man had worried about me.

I spent hours working on his house, which was rather tidy for a bachelor and a child, but I shook out rugs on the back porch and swept the floors from baseboard to baseboard before giving it a good mopping. Then I dusted the light fixtures and even cleaned out the fridge as promised. The clawfoot tub in his bathroom was sparkling, as was every window and mirror by the time there was a knock at the door.

“Hello, hello?” called a friendly voice, and I peeked around the corner to see Star and an older woman walking in.

Star ran up to me and hugged my waist. “Dream! You came back!”

“Yeah, I did. It looks like I’ll be around for just a little while. I had to move out from my house for a bit, but your uncle said I could sleep in the guest room.”

“Like a sleepover?” She jumped up and down and turned to Cynthia. “She’s my friend.”

“It’s nice to meet you; I’m Cynthia, the neighbor. I got a call from Chance telling me you were here and might need a little company. Star misses her new kitchen set, and Jackie needed a change of clothes.”

“She spilled grape soda on her dress.” I wondered how that had happened as Cynthia let out a sigh.

“She doesn’t like grape soda, so she spat it right out,” Cynthia said with a wink.

“Well, I think your uncle has something we can soak that in.” She handed me the doll’s clothes and carried her naked baby to her room.

Cynthia gave me a friendly smile and then strolled around the room looking it up and down as if she was impressed with my work. “You’ve got his place looking nice.”

“Well, it’s the least I could do.” I didn’t know how much he’d told the woman.

“Chance said you were having a bit of trouble. Nothing dangerous I hope. Not to speak out of turn, but this little family unit has been through enough.” She wasn’t being rude, but honest, and I felt terrible that I might ever put them in danger.

“Well, for what it’s worth, Chance insisted I stay.”

“Of course, dear. I didn’t mean to upset you, and I’m sorry I spoke out of turn. Would you like some help around here? I’m pretty good with a dust rag.”

I relaxed a little and handed her a rag as we both set out around the house dusting and scrubbing, and before I knew it, there wasn’t another chore to be done.

“That about covers it.” I sat on the back porch with Cynthia and Star, sipping lemonade and talking about our favorite childhood dolls when my phone rang.

I glanced down, and it appeared to be a local number. I answered, “Hello?”

“Are you enjoying yourself, sweetheart?” Chills electrified me like a bolt to the spine as Nick’s syrupy sweet voice came through the device.

I glanced to Cynthia who was busy talking to Star, and I got up and walked to the other side of the porch and ducked my head. “How did you get my number?” The phone was no more than a few hours old, and I had no idea how he was finding me.

“You underestimate me, again. You didn’t answer me, Jessica. Oh, I forgot you’re going by that ridiculous middle name of yours now, aren’t you? Are you enjoying yourself while you play house with that asshole? While you pretend to be a family with him and that sweet little girl of his?”

“You stay away from me, and you leave them out of this.”

“You’re the one who dragged them into it. Did you think you were clever having him pick you up in the truck? That I wouldn’t check out his license plate number and find you? I know you’re staying with him and who he is. It would be a horrible tragedy for that pretty little girl to lose another family member. Would be a shame to let that happen when all you have to do is come home.”
