Page 34 of Big Daddy

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“Okay, fine. I promise. I need to know you’re safe.” She sounded so sad that I wanted to grab her and hold her. She was so concerned for me and Star that she was putting herself at risk to keep us safe.

“I’ll be safe. Don’t you worry? We’ll all be safe, baby.” I saw my cut-through road coming up and knew it was my last chance to lose Nick, who seemed content to drive calmly behind me without staying too close. I knew I’d take the road last minute, and hopefully he’d pass the turn, and I’d buy myself some space.

Sure enough, I whipped into the street and barreled down it, throwing up more dust. When I got to another road, one that went up into the woods, I pulled in and waited for him to pass, which he did without seeing me, and I waited a moment and turned and headed out the way I came. Having lost him, and led him out of the way, I headed toward Dream and hoped whoever he had helping him, whoever had been in that other car, they’d be long gone too.

I made it to the bus station and found her in a phone booth stall in the back out of sight. “Smart girl.” I drove up, and she hurried over to my truck. She hopped inside, and I pulled back into another stall.

“I lost them.”


“He seems to have someone helping him; either that or he’s swapping cars. There were two different ones on me, and I don’t think it was a coincidence.”

I told you he had friends that would help him. They’re all as crazy as he is. They don’t care that he beats me and rapes me. They all just look out for one another so they can call on one another to do each other’s dirty work when they need it. Leave me here Chance. There’s a bus to Canada in forty minutes. Let me get on it and I’ll be gone for good. I’ll be out of your hair and you can go back to living your nice quiet life.”

“There’s only one problem with that,” I said to her.

“What?” she asked me.

“There’s not one fucking way in hell I’m letting you go.”


We’d waited several hours and drove around the town before we headed back to Chance’s cabin to meet his best friend Austin who had flown in and was going to take Cynthia and Star to a safe place.

Star was shaken, clearly knowing something was up, but she had been happy to see me and had even given me a big hug and told me she was glad I was back. She packed her and Jackie a small bag, and I walked her out to Austin’s large rented Hummer.

“Thanks for taking them. Let me know when you get them there.” The two men stepped out of earshot as I buckled Star into the seat.

“You be a good girl, Star. You and Cynthia will have fun. Think of this as an adventure.” I gave her a wink, and she smiled and leaned into Cynthia’s side.

I walked around the Hummer as Chance and Austin were shaking hands, and then, Austin got in, started the car, and drove away. “He’s going to call me later once they’re settled. He’s also talked to the local police, and I called in a few favors. They’re aware of what’s going on.” He took my hand and led me back into the cabin.

“So what do we do now?”

“We wait for Nick to make a move. I have a feeling he will strike when we least expect it. There’s been activity. Austin did a sweep of the property around the house before he came in. He found a gum wrapper.”

That was Nick all right. “He chews spearmint gum like it’s his religion.”

“That’s what it was. So we know he’s been here. He was probably watching you when he called. He’s going to be careful, though. He’s not going to endanger innocents because even he can’t defend a move like that if something went bad.” It was crazy to think I might have been safer with Star and Cynthia around, but sending them away had been the right thing to do.

I sat on the couch and pulled the small blanket over my legs. “It’s getting colder. I had Star pack some warm clothes. She said that Jackie needed some winter clothes, but I told her to bring a hand towel and use it as a blanket. She liked that idea.”

He walked over and checked the woodbin next to the fireplace. “I should go out to the pile and get some more wood. There’s a storm coming in, and I don’t know how bad it will get, but if we lose power like we normally do, I want to be prepared.

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