Page 48 of Big Daddy

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“I hope you don’t mind I took a bath instead of a shower.” She seemed so small in the tub, but her skin was pink and radiant, and she had a special glow about her like an angel.

“You know I don’t mind, but it’s a bit chilly in here for a soak, don’t you think.”

“I guess I’m numb.” She wrung out a rag and then scrubbed her face until it was nice and pink.

“Rightly so. I know none of this was easy on you.”

“I guess even though I hated him, and many times I wanted him dead, I just don’t know how to feel about it now.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

She looked up and gave me a quizzical look. “Thanks. You know, all I could think about when that cop was telling me about Nick not being on the force was that he’d probably lost his life insurance and how long it would take me to sell the house. I’m a terrible person, I suppose.”

“All sorts of things go through one’s head at times like these. Not that this sort of thing really happens every day.” I let loose a breath. “So what are you going to do? I suppose you have other property to go back to in Chicago? I could go down and help you pack up some things, sell the house, whatever you need.”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. I tried so hard to run away from that place; I guess I need time. I know I’ll want to go back sometime. I mean, my whole life is there. Maybe we could drive over, and you could secure the place until I figure out what to do.”

“I could do that. You let me know when you’re ready.” I hated to think that she might someday want to go back home and stay there. I couldn’t let that happen. I’d have to show her how much I wanted and needed her.

I took the washcloth and dipped it in the water before rubbing it across her back. I scrubbed her skin and massaged her muscles as she rolled her neck and shoulders.

“That feels good.”

“Good. I always want to make you feel good, Dream. If I’m not, then I’m not doing my job.” I gave her a wink, and she put her arm around my neck and weaved her fingers through my hair as she pulled me close to kiss me.

Our lips mingled, and I dipped the washcloth into the water between her legs, where I let my hand fall against her sex. I rubbed her tender spot, and she let out a little purring sound and whispered against my flesh. “That feels so good too.”

“Lay back and let me make you feel good, then baby.” I eased her back, and she spread her legs as I sat on the step beside the tub that I kept there for Star.

I let my fingers slide along her slit until I felt her wet channel pulsing for attention. I leaned over and kissed her mouth as I slipped two fingers inside of her and stroked her tender walls. She moaned and opened her eyes to watch as I worked her through her release, which had her humping and grinding my hand.

“Better?” I whispered against her mouth.

“I feel a bit less tense, yes.” She looked at her fingers, which were pruning. “I think I should get out of here. We could go use what little alone time we have to continue this adventure”

I took her hand and pulled her. The water dripped down her body as I grabbed her a towel.

We went up to the bedroom where we killed the rest of the time until Star and Cynthia showed up and had even finished up and gotten dressed before they walked in the door.

“Uncle Chance!” Star ran into the house and hugged my good leg. “I got to swim in a pool. The water was so warm it was like a huge bathtub, and Cynthia even bought me a swimsuit.”

“That’s awesome.” I looked up to Cynthia, who had a smile on her face.

“I take it everything’s all right here?”

“Perfect. And it’s going to stay that way.”


The past week had been wonderful as we prepared for Christmas, and I was determined to make the most of my time with Chance and Star.

We’d gone shopping for gifts while Star stayed with Cynthia and then just us girls had gone out to buy everything for a big dinner and a few gifts for Chance as well.

It had been years since I felt like I belonged to a family and it was nice having a little one around. I guessed that my own child would have been a year younger than Star, and not a Christmas or season had gone by that I hadn’t wondered what it would have been like. Boy or girl? Blond or brown hair? Green or brown eyes? There would forever be that missing part of me, but I finally felt like I could move on and really begin to heal.

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