Page 115 of Rugged Daddy

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Bad seed. Reckless. Wild.

I never told him how badly I wanted him.

Now my brother's best friend is back in town.

And things are about to get really crazy...

I left town eleven years ago.

Hell was behind me, and I vowed I'd never go back.

Then I got an email that shook me to my core.

"Theresa's in trouble."

That's all I needed to know.

When I finally saw her I cursed myself for leaving.

A vixen with lips so full and curves that could kill.

Danger's stalking her. Lucky for me, I like danger.

The bastard who wants to harm her has a death wish.

Theresa's mine now. And I always protect what's mine.

Chapter 1


Eleven Years Ago

“Theresa, the guy’s bad news”.

“He’s not a bad guy, Jane. He just had a rough home life. That’s why my parents took him in,” I said.

“Fine, but I still can’t believe you’re fantasizing about your brother’s best friend.”

“I’d rather talk about your love interest. Did you actually kiss him?” I asked.

“Who?” Jane asked.

“Do I have to specify?”

“Come on,” Jane said as she giggled. “Who are you talking about?”

“You know. Chance. The captain of the football team? You can’t tell me you didn’t kiss him after the game last night.”

“Maybe,” Jane said with a grin.

“You little tease! I knew it! And you’re giving me a hard time about my innocent crush on Grant. You’re sucking face with the school quarterback. Why can’t this be my miracle moment?” I asked.

“Are you saying Chance kissing me is a miracle?” she asked, her face turning a slight shade of red.

“Jane, that’s not what I’m saying.”
