Page 18 of Rugged Daddy

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I felt her pussy milking my cock as she arched deeply into my body.

“That’s it. Oh, fucking hell. You feel too good.”

“Cameron! Sweet god, don’t stop.”

Her words dripped along my ears as I pumped my cock. I squeezed it, trying to mimic the feel of a pussy around my dick. My toes curled against the wet shower floor.

Rivers of water poured from my hair and over my shoulders. I squeezed my eyes shut and fell into her body again. Fell into her eyes again.

“Heather,” I said with a grunt. “Fuck me, Heather.”

Cum burst from my cock as her body slowly faded away. Jolt after jolt shot from me at lightning speed and coated the shower wall. I felt lightheaded like the room was spinning. My orgasm left me without air to breathe as the hot water cascaded down my back. I leaned heavily against my forearm, gasping for air as steam swirled around me. My hand finally fell from my cock as the fog of my mind began to lift.

Heather. The woman in my dream had been Heather.

I couldn't deny how fucking hot she was, and the sexual tension between us at the coffee shop had been unmistakable. I knew she felt it, too, judging by the way she’d wiggled in her chair, without seeming to realize it. It was too bad that the conception would be clinical and impersonal.

I wanted to fuck that woman senseless until I got her pregnant and then some more.

The mere idea of having her thundered my heart in my ears. I started washing my body down, thinking about the dream, about how sexy she looked with those pouty lips of hers around my cock. Cumming down her throat wasn’t the way to get a woman pregnant, but I certainly did want to know what she’d look like on her knees for me and what her hair would actually feel like fisted in the palm of my hand.

I still felt dizzy from my orgasm. It had been a long time since I’d come that hard.

The thought of doing it with her instead of to thoughts of her was almost intoxicating. But no, that wasn’t how this worked.

For fuck sake, that would be prostitution. Not to mention, I didn’t like the idea of getting involved with a woman who would never know my real name.

I wanted to hear her scream Cameron, not Andrew.

But that wouldn’t happen. But that couldn’t happen. I didn’t live the kind of life that allowed me to risk getting attached to a woman. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone involved. And Heather struck me as the kind of woman who deserved better than that.

Guilt throbbed my gut again.

My daughter deserved better than all this. She deserved the life we should have had before all this shit spiraled so far out of control. She deserved to be running around the mansion and having a place to call home that was right smack dab in the middle of a city full of friends. She deserved a hot tub on a balcony out back and the grandest playroom filled with all the toys she could go into town and pick out for herself. There was so much my daughter deserved that I’d never be able to give her.

Like a normal life.

Like a mother.

A mother that gave her siblings.

I pushed all my thoughts away and rinsed my hair out. Then, I grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off as my stomach began to growl, and I figured if I was up, then cooking something was probably a good idea. I pulled on a pair of pants and made my way out to the kitchen and then started pulling out everything I needed to make a breakfast sandwich and a giant cup of coffee.

I stood there and made up my sandwich and was about to take my first bite when my cell phone rang from my room. I started the coffee pot, then strode to go get it before it woke my daughter up. It was a little past six in the morning, and I wondered who the fuck was calling.

It shouldn’t have shocked me to see Hudson’s name on my phone.

“Really? Six in the morning?” I asked.

“What? You’re always up. Didn’t you have self-defense this morning?”

“No. Just a decent orgasm in the shower.” I loved to make him feel incomfortable.

“Remind me never to ask you how your mornings are going again. Ever.”

“Duly noted,” I said as I made my way back out to the kitchen.

“So, how are things?” he asked.

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