Page 23 of Best Served Cold

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“And now?”

“And now, I feel like I have all these doors opening up for me. I feel that I get to do all the things I’ve wondered about, the experiences I should have had before I settled down. Part of that is working here and not knowing what to expect. I want to live, I want to have fun. But with Demetri...” her voice trailed off. Closing her eyes, Stacy took a deep breath and rushed forward. “I could fall in love with him. I could fall in love with him and see myself having some kind of mythical happily ever after that I don’t even think I believe in anymore! I’ve never met another man like him and I don’t know if it’s him or if it’s because I’m vulnerable right now. I don’t know if I’m just feeling this way because for the first time in over seven years I felt as though my lover were concerned about my pleasure or if it’s because of the lure of the forbidden. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve read too many romance novels that have a werewolf for the hero and I’ve got some kind of romanticized view of him because of that.

“I just know that I need to be alone right now. That I need to be able to figure out who I am and what I want from my life before I even think about anything like that, and he tempts me more than I’m comfortable with.” Her speech done, Stacy slowly opened her eyes. “That’s why I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to work together.”

“Thank you for telling the truth. It’s good that you have admitted it to yourself. But I’m afraid that you will work with Demetri. You are a victim of your own success last night, and I really cannot allow you to be excused from mediating those two groups. If things get out of hand, there will be a massacre. Vampires, werewolves, mortals—and any other creature that gets in their way will die. Those two groups have been blood enemies for centuries. The simple truth, that you were able to have them agree to a truce, however temporary it is, speaks highly of you. Now, since I will not grant your request to be allowed to avoid Demetri, is there anything else you would like for a bonus? Or would you prefer to simply hold onto it until you have thought about it?”

“I don’t suppose it’d be possible to be able to have the earth swallow me whole when I embarrass myself?” She was joking, trying to relieve the knot that had formed in her stomach. She didn’t want to see Demetri again, but the knowledge that she would have to comforted her in a strange way.

“Of course. But I must say it is quite painful, and I’m sure after the first few times, you would regret it. But if that is what you wish...”

“No—no. I was joking. Sorry. I guess it was a bad joke.” Stacy sighed. Looking at Ms. Pope, she got the feeling that the woman knew more than she let on. And right now, she appeared to be waiting for her to simply realize what she wanted. As though Ms. Pope already knew what her bonus would be and was simply humoring her. She wondered what exactly the other woman was.

“You will find out the answers to your questions in time. And now is not that time. May I remind you we both have other appointments awaiting us?”

“I’ve decided. Would it be possible to block my thoughts from you, and anyone or anything else that could read my mind?” Stacy tried to gauge the woman’s reaction.


“I just—I want my personal life to remain personal. I don’t want to have to worry about you or anyone else knowing exactly what happened in my bedroom.”

“Only your bedroom?” Ms. Pope’s tone was amused.

“No. Okay, I would like my sexual activities to be classified as off-limits.”

“May we amend that to any sexual activities which do not pertain directly to BSC business to be made off-limits to anyone with affiliations—past or present—to BSC?”


“Done.” Ms. Pope smiled as she passed an envelope and pen over to Stacy. “Simply sign on the dotted line.”

“How is this possible? What’s going to happen?”

“Magick. The sooner you get used to the idea, the easier your job shall be.”

Did she really want someone working magick on her? Looking at Ms. Pope, she decided that as uncomfortable as she may be with that idea, she was even more uncomfortable with the thought that anyone who knew how could have free access to her brain. Especially the memories of her time with Demetri. Those thoughts seemed more private than anything else.

Picking up the pen, she signed her name on the dotted line. As soon as she put the pen down, Ms. Pope sighed in relief.

“May I just say I believe you chose your bonus very wisely? And I sincerely thank you for that. Tina will tutor you on several of our computer programs, and how to synchronize the calendar on your cell phone with the one we keep on the computer. Once that has been set up, if we schedule any appointments or meetings for you, you will be notified of them at once.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She moved toward the door.

“And please, do not be late for either the gynecologist appointment or attorney appointments you have later today.”

That stopped her. “How—how did you—why would you set an appointment for—”

Ms. Pope arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Did you not want to get on a method of birth control as quickly as possible?”

“I thought that part of my life was off limits?”

“No. That pertains to BSC. And it is in our best interests as well as yours. Besides, those thoughts entered your head before your bonus was granted.”

Stacy opened her mouth to say something, then closed it and shook her head. What did it matter? At least now she would see a doctor much quicker than if she’d tried to schedule an appointment with her regular gynecologist.

“You can’t see her any longer. Because of our clientele, you will now require special attention in that area. I’m certain your previous doctor would not be able to prescribe the cream you’ll need after having been with an incubus or succubus.”

Once again Stacy opened her mouth only to immediately shut it again. She decided this was one of those times she didn’t need to ask questions. She’d known her life was going to change when she signed her contract. And this was apparently one of those ways.
