Page 24 of Best Served Cold

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Twisting the doorknob, Stacy was on her way out of the door into the weird hallway when she heard Ms. Pope speaking behind her.

“I’m very proud of the way you’re adjusting so easily. You’re going to be a true asset to us.”

The woman’s words were soft. Stacy wasn’t certain if she was supposed to hear them or not, so she kept her mouth shut and returned to the main office.

* * * * * *

Approaching the office of her new divorce attorney, Stacy wasn’t sure if she wanted to whimper or hit something. She felt like a pin cushion. She was annoyed at the details she’d had to give her new doctor. Not only did she have to detail her family history and previous medical history, they’d wanted to know so much more.

They’d asked her how many men she’d been with, positions used during intercourse, if she practiced oral sex—if she swallowed!—and even asked detailed questions about how kinky she’d been in the past and what areas she would be interested in exploring. She was certain that her face was as red as her doctor’s eyes by the time the questioning had ended. Then the fun part came. She was given every test they could think of—at least that’s how she felt. They’d taken her blood, given her an annual, checked all the normal things her previous doctor would check and several that had her grimacing. Amongst other things, they’d checked to see if she’d ever experimented with anal sex, even though she’d told them she hadn’t.

Thankfully the doctor had been very comforting and Stacy was pleasantly surprised that she’d quickly been able to forget that the woman had a pair of blood red horns sticking up from her midnight colored hair.

But there was a nurse in that office Stacy had instantly dubbed ‘the Bitch from Hell’. This nurse, unlike Dr. Greyson, had gone out of her way to make Stacy feel uncomfortable, like an outsider.

She’d even had the nerve to make a comment about being able to tell she’d been with a werewolf the night before and how presumptuous she thought Stacy was.

Stacy wanted to inflict much physical harm on that nurse. She decided to casually make sure Ms. Pope knew if they ever had a contract for revenge against her, she would gladly volunteer to help carry it out.

Her cell phone rang just before she entered the glass office.

“Hello?” Looking around, she wondered who could be calling her. Who could possibly have the number? She didn’t even know it yet.

“How’d the doctor’s visit go?”

Tina, she thought with relief. Stacy smiled. Even though she’d only known the other woman for a short amount of time in reality, she felt as though they’d been friends forever. “Dr. Greyson was great. It felt like she went out of her way to make me feel comfortable.” She wanted to ask what the doctor was, but didn’t want to be rude. She truly did like the other woman, but this world was so new to her that she wanted to start learning the different species—Races? Creatures?—she was meeting. But she certainly didn’t want to offend anyone in the process. Especially someone as sweet as Dr. Greyson.

“Yeah, she’s the best. She’s half demon and half succubus, so she knows what it’s like to be treated like an outsider.”

“Cool,” was all she could think of to say.

“I figured you were curious. She’s a great woman. One hell of a dancer, and she can drink even a hardcore alcoholic under the table.”

“I liked her a lot. One of her nurses, on the other hand...” Stacy made a grumbling sound in her throat. “The woman went out of her way to embarrass me.”

“Ah, the bitch. She doesn’t like mortals. What did she say?”

Her face flamed even though Stacy knew Tina knew about Demetri. “She made a comment about me having been—” She lowered her voice until it was a bare whisper. “Having been with a werewolf last night.”

Tina laughed. “Oh, you didn’t get the bitch, then. You just got the slut that’s obsessed with Demetri.”

“What?” Stacy felt rage building inside

of her. She wanted to know how the other woman knew it was Demetri she’d been with. She decided she would definitely have to make sure Ms. Pope knew she wanted to be involved in any torture of that woman. “But how could she know...”

“She just won’t accept that he doesn’t want to have sex with her.”

Stacy wanted to ask how Tina knew this, but she kept her jaw clenched shut. She didn’t need to know about Demetri’s sexual history. And she certainly didn’t want to think about Tina—a woman who was quickly becoming her best friend—and him together like that.

“He told me about her,” her friend told her when Stacy remained silent. “We’re just friends, Stacy. I’ve never done anything more than kiss him, and that happened ten years ago under a piece of mistletoe some horny faery made us hang in the office.”

“I wasn’t going to ask.” But she was secretly glad Tina had volunteered the information.

“But I’m telling you. I know you were wondering, and thank you for not asking. Of course, I don’t know how you managed it. Not knowing about the sexual history of the man I’m totally head over heels for would have driven me crazy.”

“I’m not head over heels for him.” Stacy shook her head for emphasis. She wasn’t. At least, not yet. Which was precisely the reason she would refuse to see him again—outside of their mediation appointments, of course.

“If you say so. Look, after your appointment with Mr. Edwards, you meet with Savon to start your meditation lessons, then you’re free for the evening. Unless something comes up.”
