Page 26 of Best Served Cold

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Demetri looked up. “Black dental floss?”

“Yes. Thongs. The underwear that looks like someone took two pieces of scrap material that wasn’t big enough to be used for anything and fastened them together. I don’t wear them. And the pair I found in his pocket looked like it had been a couple of pieces of string in a former life.”

Stacy watched him as she spoke. She saw his eyes dart down to her lap, then back up to her face so fast that she wondered if she’d imagined it. And did his breathing seem heavier? No, that was just her imagination working overtime.

Demetri cleared his throat and, after shifting slightly in his seat, he wrote down more notes.

For the next hour, he asked her questions about her marriage. Some of them she’d expected to hear, some left her perplexed. But, she tried to convince herself, he’s only trying to be thorough, much like Dr. Greyson.

“And finally, what do you want?”

“I only want what’s mine. I want the possessions that I was forced to leave in the house when I moved out. I was able to grab my jewelry boxes and my clothes before he stopped me. I only want what belongs to me and my freedom.”

Demetri nodded as he stared at her. “That’s very generous of you. It’s been my experience that women in your position want to leave their ex with nothing.”

“I just want him out of my life. Besides, it’s not as though...” She felt her face flame, but refused to look away from him. “I’m not innocent.”


; “Yes, you are. I don’t think anyone could fault you for what you’ve done.”

The look on his face had her struggling not to squirm in her seat. His eyes were practically scorching her, and she could feel a matching pool of heat gathering in her body for him. Even worse, she knew that he knew precisely what effect he had on her. That he could smell the extent of her arousal. “That’s not the point. So, what happens now?”

“Now.” He cleared his throat. “Now, I’ll have one of the private investigators we have on retainer follow your—him and get proof of his infidelity. Given your extremely generous offer to let him keep everything but a few items, and the pictures we are sure to get, I’m positive he’ll accept the divorce without incident. You should be free of him in no time.”

“Thank you.” Standing up, Stacy willed her legs to stop trembling. This was business, that’s all. He was a client for her employer and her lawyer. Nothing else. She walked around the chair and toward the door.

She knew she shouldn’t have been surprised when she felt him behind her before she could twist the knob but she was. Especially given his aloof attitude from moments before.

“I think I like the way you were dressed better last night.”

“I—there are—I felt this would be more appropriate under the circumstances,” she whispered. The circumstances she spoke of were the marks he’d left on her body. The bitch nurse had gotten truly vicious when she’d seen them. Stacy was now sure said bitch had been ‘unable to find her vein’ the first three times she tried to draw blood as payback for them. At least, now that she knew the nurse lusted after Demetri she was certain that was the reason. She made another mental note to find out how the other woman had known it was him that Stacy had been with.

“Perhaps. But I still prefer your outfit last night to this.”

“Which one,” she asked before logic could intervene. “The one I wore to the mediation, or—”

“That was very nice, but I think I liked the one you wore later even better.”

“That wasn’t an outfit. That was a pair of thigh high hose and boots.” She wanted to groan when she felt his tongue on her ear.

“It was incredibly erotic.”

Her breathing quickened. “It’s not fair that you know get to know what’s going on inside of me and I don’t get to know for you.”

“Don’t you?” He rubbed his erection against her ass.


“Fine. I’ll behave. But I just couldn’t let you leave without letting you know how incredibly edible you look.”

“E-edible?” An image of his head disappearing behind her butt appeared and she’d almost swear she could feel his tongue on her nether lips again.

“Mmm,” he moaned. “Tell Tina to take you to a bookstore. The fairy tales are right about one thing.”

“Wh-what’s that?” It was hard to think with him nibbling on her neck.

“Wolves love to devour their prey.”
