Page 27 of Best Served Cold

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“Should I be worried? Am I prey?”

“We both know you’re feeling something, Stacy. Just like we both know it isn’t worry or fear. And as for you being prey, perhaps. But remember, there’s prey, and then there’s prey.”

“There’s a difference?” She had to get out of there or he was going to make her come just by talking to her. It took a moment for her to realize he hadn’t stopped rubbing himself against her ass. And that she’d opened her legs slightly and leaned into him, pressing her ass against him in invitation.

“Oh, yes. Some prey you go after for fun, and some you chase because you’re hungry. Then there’s some—”

“Go on.” When had she started moving her hips in time with him?

“Maybe another time.” He bit down on her earlobe, causing a frisson of pleasure-pain to shoot through her body, coming to rest in her already dripping pussy. “If you don’t leave now, my next appointment is going to get one hell of a show.”

It was a mistake to look over her shoulder at him. She knew it would be, but she did it anyway. His mouth swooped down on hers. There was no way to describe his kiss other than to say it felt as though he were indeed trying to devour her.

When it ended, they were both breathless.

“You have my number...”

“When should I come back to discuss my divorce?” Her voice betrayed just how shaken up she felt.

“I’ll be in touch.”

He nipped her lower lip then released her. She hadn’t even realized he’d grabbed her hips until he let go of her. She felt the loss of his body heat, and wanted to call him back over to her.

After taking a deep breath, she continued out of the office. Demetri was dangerous to her. But now she thought she understood the half smile on Ms. Pope’s face when her boss had said she couldn’t allow her to never see him again. At the time, she’d thought she’d at least be allowed to only see him at mediations. Stacy wondered if she should be mad at her boss for making her lover her new divorce attorney. Or if she should yell at her best friend for not telling her that she was about to walk straight into the lion’s—er, wolf’s den.

Couldn’t someone have at least warned her before she saw him?

She left as fast as she could, trying not to draw too much attention to herself. Outside in the fresh air, she took a couple of deep breaths before opening her phone. Going through it, she saw that she was due back at the office for the appointment with her guru, Savon.

Thankfully the traffic was only slightly backed up, and it allowed her to think about the situation with a slightly clearer head as her lust cooled. If she had known Demetri was her lawyer, she’d have bolted like a rabbit. By the time she’d gotten to the office, she’d calmed down a lot, and—she hoped—gotten her hormones under control.

She rang the bell and waited for someone to answer the door.

“You can just walk in,” Tina teased as she opened the door. “How did your appointment go?”

“You could have warned me, you wench,” Stacy fussed.

“But then I wouldn’t get to see this beautiful blush still on your face. Seriously, he’s the best lawyer in town.”

“And you couldn’t just try to explain that to me before I strolled into the wolf’s den?”

“What would you have done differently? I mean, other than wearing different clothes?”

“Wh—why that is ridiculous. What’s wrong with this outfit? I think I look very professional. Who am I kidding. I look horrible, don’t I? Like some old school marm or something.”

“No, you don’t. Go see your guru.”

“Where is he?”

“Third door on the left, right next to Ms. Pope’s office.”

Approaching the door, Stacy stopped. “Any more surprises I need to watch out for?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”

“Okay. Wish me luck.”

* * * * * *
