Page 28 of Best Served Cold

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“Can I have a vacation after all that relaxing?”

“It went that well?” Tina looked up from the computer to stare at her.

“Ugh.” Stacy fell onto the couch, which was thankfully just as comfortable as it looked.

Climbing from behind the desk, Tina handed her a bottle of water, then sat down beside her. “What happened?”

“First we practiced emptying our minds. Then he yelled at me.”


“Well, every time I tried to empty my mind, I remembered something that I’d forgotten to do. The first time I remembered I hadn’t filled my prescription for birth control pills...”

“The first time? How many times did you try to empty your mind?”

“I stopped counting around the seventh time he looked like he was going to have an aneurism. Want to go grab a pizza?”

“Yes, but we aren’t going anywhere until you tell me what you’re leaving out.”

“Ms. Pope came in and asked how the progress was going. That’s when I snuck out. Uh-oh.” Stacy tried to sink down into the couch as Ms. Pope entered the main office.

“Savon says that he’s never met anyone like you. That it will take multiple visits for him to help you clear your mind of stray thoughts. He says he’s never met someone who could not keep their minds perfectly blank for at least one full minute.”

“I really tried.” I really should have gone for that earth swallowing bonus. She sighed. “When do I meet my new guru?”

“Nonsense. Savon is tickled that you present such a challenge. He actually thanked me. He wants you to call him for your next session. But he did tell me to insist that it’s after you’ve run your errands.”

Tina chuckled, and Stacy could only nod.

“Now, I need one of you to please go tell Marix that Timothy is running slightly late and we need him to stay a little longer.”

“I’ll do it.” Tina didn’t sound happy as she stood up from the couch.

“No, I’ll do it. I think I can handle a simple message. Besides, I feel horrible. I’ve been doing things for myself all day, and you’ve had to work. How am I going to finish training if you’re doing everything for me?”

“She has a point. And it’s time she learned a little bit more about BSC.”

“I’ll be right here waiting for you,” Tina said after Ms. Pope had given Stacy directions to the room.

“And I’ll be right back.”

Striding through the hallway, Stacy let her thoughts surround her. She wasn’t sure what to think, but despite the creepy signing contracts in blood thing, her new bosses seemed really cool. They certainly had been taking good care of her. Would she have to go to a special pharmacy to get her birth control prescription filled? Would they call her to give her the results for the million tests they were running on her?


on the door, Stacy was careful to wait until she was given permission to enter the room before proceeding.

“Marix?” She waited for the man to indicate that was his name before continuing. Like most of the people she’d met so far, he resembled a mortal. “Ms. Pope wanted me to tell you that Tim...othy is running...running late. You’ll have to—to stay late. What is happening to her?” Stacy’s eyes felt like they were going to bulge out of her head.

There was a woman with dark blue hair strapped down to a table in the middle of the room. She was incoherent as she babbled something. She was positioned so that her arms were above her head and her legs forced to remain wide. Between them, making slurping noises, was a short man who looked unlike anything she’d ever seen. It was rather easy for her to guess what he was doing as the strange man’s face bobbed closer to the woman’s spread pussy.

“You must be the new girl. This is one of our victims.”


“Her husband has a contract with us. He’s pretty high in the Faery Court. Seems he caught her fooling around on him with younger faeries.”

“So she’s...Her punishment...his revenge is...”
