Page 30 of Best Served Cold

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As before, when her moans would increase, the men would stop. They wouldn’t exit her body, only pause, remaining perfectly still for long minutes, then begin their leisurely pace once again.

Stacy felt sorry for the woman. After just watching for—how long had she been back here?—she desperately wanted to cum. She didn’t know what she’d do after months, much less years of that kind of torture.

“So, what do you say? I could have you naked and joining the party in no time. Trust me, they wouldn’t complain. And our little victim there loves to eat pussy almost as much as she loves sucking cock.”

Despite her highly aroused state, Stacy shook her head no.

“Another time, then.” The man’s hands left her body, and she wanted to complain that she hadn’t been satisfied yet. The only thing that stopped her was she was certain that had been his point. Marix wanted her that way to entice her to join in the ‘fun’ as he called it.

“Perhaps,” she said noncommittally.

“And, Stacy...” He waited until she looked at him, surprised he knew her name. “The next time you come back here, wear a skirt.”

With one more glance over to the faery, Stacy left the room as fast as she could. She was so incredibly horny she considered returning to the room and taking the man up on his offer. The only thing that kept her from doing so was her guilt. It was one thing to let the heat of the moment—okay, three moments, four if she counted the foreplay in Demetri’s car—take control of her. It was quite another to go from having an affair with just the one man the one time—even if it was technically three times—to taking on three or four men and a woman. Okay, three incubi, one potential mortal—or who knew what—and a captive faery.

Besides, she wasn’t sure she was ready for something like that.

“I see Marix got his hands on you,” Tina stated matter-of-factly, forcing Stacy to look down and see how

disheveled she looked. “Did you give in?”

“No. I’m just not ready for that. I mean, I wanted to,” she babbled. “I couldn’t look away. I’m so ashamed, but it was just so...and then Marix was rubbing, and he offered and—”

“So what stopped you? Trust me, incubi are all about discreet. No one in the office—hell, with the company—would ever tell on you.”

“There were three guys,” she told Tina shocked. “Four, if you count Marix. And he wanted that woman to—to—and I’ve never had anal sex and if I do I want it to be with someone that I trust not to hurt me. Someone that I believe will listen to me and stop if I ask him to. Someone—”

“Like me?” Demetri’s warm breath tickled Stacy’s ear.

“Yes, exactly. No,” she shouted when she realized what she’d just admitted. And worse, who she’d admitted it to.

“Tina,” she said, panicking. “I think my guru just made my speed dial list.”

Chapter Seven

“What’s going on, Demetri? You’re back awfully soon. Are you here for business or pleasure?” Stacy couldn’t help noticing that Tina looked at her when she said the word pleasure.

She stared at her friend and wished she could do something to the other woman using just her eyes. She’d officially been moved to the traitors list. How could she smile at Demetri and make small talk after Stacy had just humiliated herself?

Around her, Demetri’s arms tightened. When had his arms circled her waist? When his nose nuzzled against the sweet spot just behind her ear, Stacy wondered if Tina would mind running an errand. Just for a little while, so she could push him to that soft brown couch—the one that almost matched his eyes perfectly—and have her way with him.

“I was hoping to catch Stacy before she left. Our investigator, it seems, had no problems getting more than sufficient proof, and quick. Her ex doesn’t seem to be worried about being discreet.”

Damn, talk about a mood killer. All the lust she’d been feeling evaporated when Demetri mentioned Thomas.

Behind her, Demetri sighed. “I just need you to sign the papers and tell me when you want him served with them.”

“Now’s good for me.” She struggled out of his embrace.

“Why don’t I show you two to one of the conference rooms,” Tina said.

“No, it should only take a second, right? We were supposed to go get pizza.” She was officially back to panicking. She couldn’t be alone with Demetri. Especially after what she’d just watched. No, this was not good, not good at all.

“Don’t worry about it. When you’re through, we can all get something to eat. Unless you’d rather not join us? Have you already eaten, Demetri?”

Again Stacy stared at her. How could her best friend do this to her? Yup, she was definitely on the Benedict Arnold list now.

Taking a deep breath, Stacy gave a mental shake of her head. The man was a professional. She was certain he’d say that wasn’t necessary, and it would just take a second. Then he’d be on his way so she could go have supper with Tina before she went out and bought a nice, large vibrator to play with. She made a mental note to stock up on batteries as well.
