Page 33 of Best Served Cold

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Swallowing hard, Stacy wondered what she was going to do now. Would he hurt her? Would he hit her back? Would he just push her down and stride out of the room swearing she would have a new lawyer in the morning? Would she blame him if he did?

He was still growling low in his throat, still pressing closer to her. “Tell me the truth.”

“You want the truth,” she spat, hoping that he wouldn’t know she was only pretending to be brave. She prayed that his senses weren’t that acute. “Fine. The truth is, you can bite me.”

Staring into his eyes, she saw fire leap inside of them once again. He leaned closer and for a second she thought that he was going to kiss her. Instead, he bit her on the shoulder. His teeth sank into her. It hurt—but it didn’t. Not like it should have. It was more of an erotic pleasure pain than painful.

She felt him adjusting around her as her hands were shifted slightly. He was pressing down, but she couldn’t lean back any farther, she was already lying on the table, her back pressing flat against its hard wooden surface. Demetri growled again and grabbed one of her legs.

In this position Stacy knew she could—should—kick him and try to scramble away. That she should fight him. They were arguing and she needed to push him away and run out of the office. Now that she’d decided on a plan of action, she just needed to convince her legs to relax their grip on his waist as they held him to her.

She really would have to get control of her own limbs one of these days.

She’d forgotten that she wore slacks until she felt them being ripped almost immediately after he’d finally released her shoulder. Some perverse side of her that she’d never known existed wanted to demand he resume biting her. She lifted her head to complain about his careless treatment of her clothes, to say she could’ve taken them off instead of having him rip them from her body. The words froze in her throat when she got a good look at his face.

The expression should have had her terrified. She’d never seen such hunger. Unless she counted the many hours she’d spent watching the discovery channel...or movies. She certainly had never seen that particular look directed at her before.

As she watched, his gaze never left hers as he lowered his head to her shirt. Taking the top button in his mouth, he ripped it off. Spitting the piece of plastic back out, Demetri moved to the next one. He continued working his way slowly down her body until she was squirming against him, her clothes ruined.


He answered with a growl. The sound poured over her body until it gathered between her legs. She could already feel the cream practically dripping out of her pussy.

Stacy struggled under him, trying to free her hands as he ripped her panties off. Just to her left, she heard a sigh. She wanted to turn her head and see who had just walked in on them, but he held her gaze captive.

“Get. The fuck. Out. Now.” Demetri spoke softly, emphasizing his words carefully, but she could still hear the menace under them. He never looked away from her, but she knew whoever had interrupted had no doubts he was talking to them. She hoped they knew better than to try to test his restraint at the moment. There was something primitive about his behavior, something that made her feel like she knew women must have felt back when men actually acted like cavemen. She was intoxicated by it.

A second later there was a small click as the door was shut once again.

The sound snapped her out of whatever daze she was in. “We can’t do this here.” Stacy tried to reason with him. She wanted to suggest they go back to her apartment—or to his. Thoughts of denying either of them at the moment evaporated. She only wanted to find a more discreet location for their latest sex-capades.

Again he responded with a growl that played havoc on her senses.

“Let me go,” she whispered. As she watched him nudge her shirt apart with his nose, part of her wanted him to refuse. She’d never been allowed to experiment with bondage before, no matter how much she’d been intrigued by it. The thought that he could do anything he wanted while she could only lay there excited her. It was almost as arousing as this primitive side of Demetri. Almost. Her heart sped up when he used his teeth and her position to rip her bra into two pieces, directly between the cups.

Part of her knew if she really wanted him to stop he would. It told her that he would never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. She knew that was why she wasn’t really struggling to get free. He may have let his animal instincts free but he was a man, and the man in him wouldn’t hurt her.

“Tell me the truth,” he growled again. His nose circled her nipple before he bit her again. Stacy couldn’t have stopped her gasp or her hips from arching against him even if she’d tried. He laved the sensitive bud, then paused.

“What?” Was this how that faery felt as she lay bound to the table in that erotic torture room?

“The truth.”

“What truth?” What was he talking about? Why was he still completely dressed? How could he thrust into her if his pants were still on?

Her struggles resumed, stronger this time. But for a completely different reason than the desire to be free. She wanted his pants off now.

“Why were you with me?”

She said the first thing that popped up in her head. “You asked.”

“No, I didn’t.” He shifted to give the same attention to her other breast.

Damn, he has me there. She knew she had to say something or he’d stop again. “I don’t—I don’t know. It felt right, okay?”

He stopped and stared at her. His nostrils flared. “That will do for now.” His grip on her hands eased, then tightened once again. “If you move your arms so much as an inch, I will walk out those doors. Do you understand?”

Stacy nodded. He couldn’t mean what he said.
