Page 32 of Best Served Cold

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Raising the glass to her lips, she slowly sipped the cool liquid.

“You still love him, don’t you? You want him back?”

One second the glass was in her hand as she drank the water, the next there was a large wet spot on the wall just to the left of Demetri. She hadn’t even heard the glass break, but she saw it scattered on the floor.

“Admit it, and we can all go. That’s why you haven’t gotten your revenge yet. That’s why you don’t want to choose what you want to do to him.”

“Fuck you,” she screamed. She picked up the pitcher and threw that at him, this time deliberately. She was disappointed when he easily sidestepped her projectile. “I hate him. Get the hell out of here. I want a new lawyer. Impartial, my ass!” she screamed.

“That’s why you can’t even think of one good reason to get a divorce,” he goaded.

Screaming as loud as she could, she grabbed whatever was close to her hand and started throwing it at him. She thought she could trust him. Boy, was she wrong. He was just another asshole.

“You want fucking reasons, I’ll give you motherfucking reasons. I hate him. I hate that little whore he’s screwing around with. He played me for a fool. I stayed home and cleaned his house, did his laundry and made sure he had food waiting for him. I stayed at a job that I despised more than anything just because he liked it. He never appreciated me. He hadn’t even touched me in more than two months. I don’t remember when he told me he loved me the last time.

“He acted as though our anniversary was an inconvenience and always spent time with ‘the guys’ on his birthday. Hell, he even spent time with them on my birthday the last three years. I deserve better than some jackass who doesn’t pay attention to me. Someone who does as he pleases with no regard for anyone other than himself. If it happens to be nice for someone else, well, as long as he’s not inconvenienced, then that’s just fine.”

When she ran out of glasses to throw, she opened the fridge and grabbed out unopened bottles of soda. She threw one right after another at him. “I deserve a life. I deserve to be happy. I deserve better than a man who treats me like an afterthought!”

Stacy was pissed. She finally understood what people meant when they said they were so angry they saw red. Everything in the room seemed to be tinted crimson. She needed to get out of there, away from Demetri. She couldn’t believe she’d been so wrong about him. There was only one problem. He was standing between her and the door.

Striding away from the small refreshment area, Stacy tried to walk around him, but he blocked her.

“Get out of my way. I’m done talking to you. I want a new lawyer.”

“Well, it’s time you learned you won’t always get what you want.”

“What the hell do you care? Move. I’m out of here.”


??re not finished with our meeting.” Demetri effectively blocked her again.

“Oh, yes we are.”

“No, we aren’t. You still haven’t given me one good reason that you want to leave him. For all I know this is some elaborate makeup-breakup scenario you two act out every so often when life gets too dull.”

She froze. “What exactly are you implying?”

“I’m not implying anything.”

Walking up to Demetri, she shoved him as hard as she could in the chest. “Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you suggest that this is all a game to me? This is my life!”

“You don’t want to give me any information, and you don’t want to sign the papers. What am I supposed to think? And really, am I supposed to be so stupid as to believe this man would just hand over any hopes of winning his case by being so careless with his lover?”

Stacy swung at him again. Unfortunately, she was too close for it to do much harm, and her fist bounced weakly off of Demetri’s chest. Tears filling her eyes, she kept swinging. “I hate you. I hate you. Let go of me.”

Though he didn’t try to stop her from hitting him, he wouldn’t let her position herself so that she could hurt him.

“Why were you with me last night?” he growled when her swings became more sporadic.

“Let go of me,” she insisted, struggling half-heartedly to get out of his grasp.

“Tell me.”

“I’m not telling you anything.” She tried to hit him again. But her aim was off. Instead of hitting his shoulder or his arm as she intended, this time her open hand connected with his cheek. The sound of her smack echoed within the room. Stacy’s mouth dropped open, and she froze. She hadn’t meant to hurt him.

Demetri growled and grabbed both of her hands. Once he had a firm grip on them, he held them behind her back. She backed up, attempting to escape him, but he wouldn’t allow it. The knowledge that she wouldn’t be successful didn’t stop her from trying. The table did that.
